Bangalore firm launching 'Wink' e-book reader for 8k

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Another E-Reader, Wink, To Hit The Market – Will India Finally Take Notice? | - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India

I had heard some rumors of this earlier from a contact I know as well. Seems interesting for 8k.

Backed by South Indian Publisher DC Books.


EC media has two types or Readers and both Readers supports capacitive touch screen with multi-touch, a full QWERTY keyboard




But maybe too much hype. The website has NO pics of the reader up yet.


Touch screen and non-touch screen versions

3G with touch-screen models in the roadmap

Includes Browser, an email client and Games

Has Wi-Fi and GPRS.

Guess we have to wait for reviews to see how it really is.
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why do these Indian e-readers have lcd screens on them whereas the foreign ones have the e-ink tech for almost same price?

given a choice i would definitely go with the one having an e-ink screen cause it would prolong battery life to a good extent while reading.
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