Bangalore "rebrands" as Bengaluru

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The Indian IT hub of Bangalore is about to be rebranded as Bengaluru in recognition of the original name of Benda Kaal Ooru - that's "boiled beans town" in the local Kannada lingo.

According to the Beeb, this rather unsavoury name came about when a king named Vira Ballala lost his way on a hunting expedition and was eventually offered boiled beans by an old lady. In recognition of this act of kindness, he named the place Benda Kaal Ooru.

Along came the Brits and, since they really couldn't be arsed to say Benda Kaal Ooru, they simplified the name to Bangalore. Nor can the locals apparently be arsed to say Benda Kaal Ooru, since the new moniker is the "phonetic variation" of the hard-to-pronounce original.

The new name was announced this week by chief minister of Karnataka state, Dharam Singh, in response to a demand from a group of Kannada-language writers. One of them, UR Ananthamurthy, reckons the locals already call the place Bengaluru, so no big deal.

Others disagree. Bob Hoekstra, Philips' local head honcho, told AP: "We have spent 15 years building Bangalore as an international brand and going back to the native name could hurt that brand. It is like going from Philips to Philippos."

There may still be hope for the Bangalore lobby - the name change is not yet official and must be cleared by the state legislature, the federal government and India's prez before the Bengalurians can legally refer to themselves as such.
This sucks ! Totally, I mean they don;t have to do it to every city...

Most people will still call it Bangalore, but even then...
Dude!!! You live in Goa!! You have no idea, how angry I am feeling right now!!

Instead of concentrating on REAL problems like Roti, kapda aur makan , they are doing such senseless things.

What will they achieve??

That ass#0** U R ananthmurthy says that this will help in the development of the Kannqdiga cultrue and all that $#!t. What CRAP!!

Just calling a city by it's original name will not help to spread the cultrue of Karnataka.

These goddam linguistic fanatics are trying to fight a battle they cannot win.

They want English to be taught in Kannada!!! Can you believe that?? Havent they seen how China lost out initially in the BPO market because they did not speak English as fluently as us??

They are trying to fight against English!! How dumb can these people get??

And this, after Bangalore having acquired a very nice name for itself internationally.

This is downright pathetic. Why waste Time, Money and energy on stupid things like this instead of trying to solve the real problems like the traffic, the unemployment rate, the poverty, the compensations of people laid off by the closure of the Bharat Gold Mines Limited at Kolar Gold fields??

sheesh.... this is a terrible shame.
Yeah, we were discussing this in school today, everyone agreed' the name change wasn't needed, Bangalore was perfect.
They dare do that to Delhi though!
These fools are just into pathetic politics. They dont even care about culture which is just an excuse they use to promote the fact that they are jackass.
They never take up real issues. Just some pathetic name change excercises to please some section of the society, feel good about their 'achievements' and get rid of any trace of guilt that they have for not doing anything besides scam.

Whole world is tryin to move forward and they want to go back to roots.
LOL it all started with MUMBAI, can you believe the air as well as the railway terminus is termed as Chattrapati Shivaji terminus in Mumbai.

Those freaking jackasses renamed most of the english sounding roads too. I dunno whats the big deal about, are they so ****ing insecure of their culture ? They are more freaking worried about the road names, or flyover names to be even remotely bother as to how corrupt have the offials have become. And the sad party its not just one party, but all the fcuking parties employ this tactics to lure uneducated ppl's vote enticing that they are driving away the foriegn exploiators. I tell you ignorance is one of the worst implication of illiteracy, the faster our country escapes from this web, the better it is.
lol...Bengaluru or

the name is very funny :rofl::rofl:

PS: no offence to anyone :P
QuickFire said:
lol...Bengaluru or
the name is very funny :rofl::rofl:

PS: no offence to anyone :P

naaah..... whoever had to be offended have already been offended by these scumbags who call themselves the "leaders". What you say will not offend anyone :)
it sounds like some lame ass village in some lame area than the IT hub of India if you ask me....

perfect to say, sounds as lame as the decession to chage it
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