Bangalore to Hyderabad relocation - area & schools query


Hello folks,

I'll be relocating from Bengaluru to Hyderabad next month.

As an average IT worker with office in Hitech City surroundings, what's a better area to move into with family and kids? I'm looking for an area that is affordable in terms of rent on short term & a flat purchase in the long term.

My main concern is about schools as I have two kids and one of them will be starting first grade this year. So, I want to avoid changing schools if we were to move into our own residence in the future.

I'm looking for an area with affordable school fees of around a lakh with some healthy buffer (that's my current benchmark because I was able to get admission in a decent school in blr for similar fee). I don't think I'll be able to comfortably afford any of the "international" school's for both the kids in the long run given the rate at which the fees increase.

Commute might be a pain but I'm currently leaning towards miyapur-bachupally area.

Any recommendations on area & schools ?

PS: I've gone through the hyderabad subreddit for similar questions but apart from few answers, I think they left me with more questions.
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Perhaps like or unlike most other cities, there's a great disparity of expenses depending on your location and expectations.

There are people renting flats for 320k a few kilometers away from people renting entire houses for 45k a month with both in the same pin code and school bus routes.

Strangely the quality of life is more or less the same. Food, water, air, traffic, electricity, petrol, they're all pretty much comparable with income disparity not being much of a differentiating factor.

"Average IT worker" is a pretty large spectrum here, are you closer to 30k per month or 300k per month? The answer to this is key to your answers but unfortunately I can't help with either.

I'm in the center of the city and I rarely venture more than 5km out, so places like Miyapur or Hitech City are occasional curiosities for me. Hopefully other members will have better insights.

The commute from Miyapur to Hitec City will take one to three hours each day, you can probably get that down to closer to one hour if you have a two wheeler or use the metro with Uber/Ola on each end.

Hyderabad is also a very lazy city. The inner city doesn't wake up until around 11 but stays up late, sometimes until sunrise. The newer devleoped areas start hustling as early as 7am.

Holidays and festivals significantly hinder doorstep services, so you might not be able to rely on Big Basket or Swiggy during those days.

It's not uncommon to have a senior citizen deliver one order and an underage kid to deliver the next one. For the masses, these "10 minute" delivery jobs are more than what they can earn otherwise (Hyderabadis are notoriously lazy).

Amazon and other e-commerce will work as usual, they're not impacted, it's only the on-demand services.

During the monsoon, the city is flooded every year but it always clears up by the next day, we have a very effective drainage/sewage system. But until then, traffic crawls to a halt. We also see hail once every few years, at the onset of the monsoon.

Summers have become increasingly oppressive in recent years. They start earlier each year but end the same time in June. I personally don't step out when the ambient is over 34, unless I'm in an air-conditioned vehicle.

The city is also very conservative. Sleeveless tops and shorts will attract stares, regardless of gender. There's no "scenes" of any kind, just isolated bubbles.

There's faux elitism in some of those bubbles, like a coffee shop not serving you because you arrived in a tiny hatchback, but those places are forgettable experiences. They exist to cater to their circles and not beyond.

Also, it's a very small city. If you stand out in any social circle, you're recognized in other social circles pretty easily.

That's all I can think of, at least for now because my cold medicine is now making me very drowsy, ha.