PC Peripherals Banglore Students REJOICE

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As title says, Icestorm company has opened up hubs in banglore ....for all high end gadgets nd stuff for us freaks :clap: ....nd they have for a limited period offered 30% off for students....

nd they say they have HIGHEND :ohyeah: stuff...or will source whtevr they dont have nd deliver in 2 weeks time.... ;)

check out his link for more info: :clap:

PS:Masky why dnt u ask them for ur x800xl ......nd with 30% discount ,...who knows u might save up alot for tht OCZ :tongue: or even get VX ;)
They should open something like that here in Mumbai in location like Andheri Lokhandwala area. They will do business combined to all other 20 stores here ;)
Rockyme2002 said:
PS:Masky why dnt u ask them for ur x800xl ......nd with 30% discount ,...who knows u might save up alot for tht OCZ :tongue: or even get VX ;)

lol.. ppl, why dont u check out the story in FULL :P

From the article:

"If a consumer wants a specific product that we do not have we will be able to source and deliver it in two weeks time. To celebrate our launch we are running a limited period offer where a student with an ID card can get 30% off on the MRP of all these product lines," said Srikrishnan.

For Ex:

MRP on my winnie 3000+ - Rs.11,475.00 minus 30% off (Rs.3,442.50) = Rs.8,032.00.. ahem! i bot it for Rs.7,500.00

Suppose the X800XL has a MRP of 28k (which i am sure wud be so) then i wud get it at a price of Rs.19.6k, which is about the same as the present market price :P
TheMask said:
Suppose the X800XL has a MRP of 28k (which i am sure wud be so) then i wud get it at a price of Rs.19.6k, which is about the same as the present market price :P
Masky you can have my x800 xl for less than 19.6K.

When it arrives shorly.;)
and please do not mention or quote about "masky - upgrade fund":cool2:
TheMask said:
For Ex:
MRP on my winnie 3000+ - Rs.11,475.00 minus 30% off (Rs.3,442.50) = Rs.8,032.00.. ahem! i bot it for Rs.7,500.00
Sorry Guys My Bad.. :down: :sorry:
didnt strike me about the MRP......cuz i havent bout nythng at tht price for such stuff :tongue:

GOt tht DJ :hap2:
baasha said:
actually, the ati x800XL is being sold for 20k on ebay


pretty decent deal....

BEWARE my friend! The title of that auction/sale reads:


X800XL PCIe n VIVO? I dont think so! AFAIK, VIVO is available only in AGP format on X800XL! coz, i have been searching for the last couple of hours now to find a X800XL PCIe VIVO card n Asus seems to be the only manufacturer to have that!! - http://usa.asus.com/products/vga/eax800xl-2dtv/overview.htm
nah, PCI express VIVO is available.
Non VIVO is 1K cheaper. I am 100% sure bcoz i saw one with my eyes at the dealer. Even this month's CHIP have the review of PCI express VIVO.
Yep, even Newegg has X800XL VIVO models from Powercolor and MSI !

PCI Express as well i may add :)

A little more at 344$, but you could get it from other stores like ewiz (?) for 300
Yep i noticed from the link you sent me listing all the X800XL's, they had cut down on the title. Clicked through the links to get the full desciption and found Vivo in the title after that :)
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