Basic laptop with (only) ~60GB SSD ?

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Please answer the following questions for others to help you out better.

  • What's your Budget? (e.g. >30K, not more than 50K etc.) : < 40K
  • What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? (e.g. web surfing/office apps/Casual Gaming) : (video-)chatting/music/movies/e-mail/surfing - basic needs. occasionally word/excel.
  • What size and weight considerations do you have? (e.g. Do you want a 17" desktop replacement or you want an ultraportable 12" or something in between) : small screen & size. Must be light & rugged.
  • Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? (e.g some would prefer to stay away from Acer or Dell)
  • Any other considerations? (e.g Battery life; Widescreen/non-widescreen; Glossy/Matte screen etc.)

My cuz works on a rig, he travels every 4 weeks to-from the Gulf. He needs a small, light but rugged laptop. He has a external USB HDD with music & movies so he does not need a large HDD. I suggested a basic laptop but one with only a SSD, even 60GB will do. Can't find any. Anyone ?

For reference, right now he has a 7 year old laptop with single-core 1.2G Intel processor, 1GB DDR1, <60GB HDD and it serves him OK. The PATA HDD is 'dying', that's why he is going in for a new laptop.
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