21-30k Basic office build under 30k

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Need an under 30k build for office, just for browsing, tally etc. It has to include a monitor.
I previously built a 3200g build for 26k but the prices have gone up now. What are my other alternatives in this price range?
That is an absolutely trash site to compare CPUs with. You can see here and here as to why. Basically Userbenchmark is irrationally biased against AMD, and has been banned in several forums and subreddits. Because of its trash scoring policy, there happen things like Threadrippers show up as being much slower than core i3

This is a good site to compare CPUs, You can see here that the 3200G is about 40% faster than the i5 4570 in multicore and 10% faster in single core scores, plus has a much better iGPU (though that is irrelevant to OP's needs here), while also consuming less power at the same time. Going for a 4th gen i5 will also be a very bad option since you cannot upgrade it at all - it's an extinct system.You will also have no m.2 support and other modern features. It might be cost effective in the short term but if you plan to use the PC for anything more than a couple of years, I would highly recommend going with an AM4 platform
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Idk userbenchmark has served me well till now
Anyways I always compare cpu with fps test online i5 3rd gen is not much slower than r3 2200g(2400mhz) . So I thot not much difference between i5 3rd and 4thbgen also r3 2xxxg and 3xxxg. So I said
Op can check YouTube fps test for the same , check multiple channels to be sure .
Also I don't think he absolutely needs nvme , sata works well enough for browsing and tally ain't it?
Also upgrade for what? Browsing gonna be same on pentium and i7
Plus considering the fact that 3200 build will cost him 30k with monitor
Optiplex will cost him 15k with monitor and I don't thnik the difference is profound between those cpu for browsing and tally..
Threadripper are trash for gaming , it's true so the site isint showing made up data , it shows i3 does gaming better and tr is a better workstation
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Idk userbenchmark has served me well till now
Anyways I always compare cpu with fps test online i5 3rd gen is not much slower than r3 2200g(2400mhz) . So I thot not much difference between i5 3rd and 4thbgen also r3 2xxxg and 3xxxg. So I said
Op can check YouTube fps test for the same , check multiple channels to be sure .
Also I don't think he absolutely needs nvme , sata works well enough for browsing and tally ain't it?
Also upgrade for what? Browsing gonna be same on pentium and i7
Plus considering the fact that 3200 build will cost him 30k with monitor
Optiplex will cost him 15k with monitor and I don't thnik the difference is profound between those cpu for browsing and tally..
Threadripper are trash for gaming , it's true so the site isint showing made up data , it shows i3 does gaming better and tr is a better workstation
OK boomer

As for OP,
Planning on going with a laptop instead, any suggestions?
I'd say any Ryzen 3000U or 4000U powered laptop in the 30k budget should be fine. Just search "laptop" in Amazon and fk, set price limit to 30k and sort by high to low. Typical specs at this price are Ryzen 3200U or a 3250U with a 1366x768 display and a 1TB HDD with 4GB RAM.
I'd say that a laptop will be better given your budget+use case since it'll be compact and also have a battery in the same price range.
OK boomer

As for OP,

I'd say any Ryzen 3000U or 4000U powered laptop in the 30k budget should be fine. Just search "laptop" in Amazon and fk, set price limit to 30k and sort by high to low. Typical specs at this price are Ryzen 3200U or a 3250U with a 1366x768 display and a 1TB HDD with 4GB RAM.
I'd say that a laptop will be better given your budget+use case since it'll be compact and also have a battery in the same price range.
Personal attacks not appreciated , if u have any corrections to my suggestions then tell them . Including prsonal attacks when u have a lack of any logical or justifiable reply is immature
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Open OLX.in , put your area and search for 'optiplex' you can find 3rd or 4th gen i5 with monitor and stuff for under 15k
Will work for your requirements , almost as good as r3 3200g . Here is a comparison..

I have seen those, they do seem like a pretty good option but decided to go with a laptop as it takes up less space and is more power efficient. Even though the optiplex itself is very small, the monitor & kbm take a bit more space than the laptop and require a bit of cable management.
Thank you for your suggestion though
I'd say any Ryzen 3000U or 4000U powered laptop in the 30k budget should be fine. Just search "laptop" in Amazon and fk, set price limit to 30k and sort by high to low. Typical specs at this price are Ryzen 3200U or a 3250U with a 1366x768 display and a 1TB HDD with 4GB RAM.
I'd say that a laptop will be better given your budget+use case since it'll be compact and also have a battery in the same price range.
There was recently a sale on fk for a Dell Inspiron with 3200, 8gb ram and 256gb SSD for 32k. Seems like good pricing for the specs but I missed it, I'm waiting for it to come in stock again otherwise I'll go with something else
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See if this fits your requirements. Has got similar specs to the dell you mentioned but at just 30k, plus you can get 2 yrs extended warranty at just 800 rs. Bear in mind tho that I haven't ordered it personally from Acer India e-store, so it might be worth asking around if people here have any experience with it. Good luck!
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Laptops are good choice , just try to get one with a ssd if possible as laptop hdd are 5400rpm(normally) which are painfully slower even compared to desktop hdd(7200 rpm)
Not sure if you'd be willing to stretch your budget, but this seems like a good option:
ASUS VivoBook AMD Ryzen 3-3250U(4GB RAM/256GB SSD/Win10+Ms Off H&S 2019+McAfee/Integrated Vega 3 Graphics/15.6-inch FHD IPS /FP Reader/1.9 kg/Transparent Silver/1 Yr. Warranty) M515DA-EJ312TS https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08Q3MVVS7/

Due to the price increase during the pandemic, good laptops under 30k are hard to come by. Last year in Feb, I got Ryzen 5 3500U for this price, everything else was same.
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