Budget 0-20k Basic PC for parents


Need PC for parents at hometown. Current PC's mobo has failed apparently, trying to find its replacement mobo cost locally.
  1. What is your budget?
    • 20K - but as low as possible
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - i3 530
    • Motherboard - Intel DH55TC
    • GPU - iGPU
    • RAM - 1x4GB + 1x2GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM
    • Monitor - 24" 1080p IPS monitor
    • PSU - Corsair CX450
    • 240GB SSD + 500GB HDD
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor
    • PSU - Corsair CX450
    • Storage
    • Cabinet - might upgrade later
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

    CPU i5 3470 1999 https://www.amazon.in/Intel-Excellent-Performance-Processor-Silver/dp/B09T3NQQSQ
    Mobo Zebronics H61 2825 https://www.amazon.in/Zebronics-Motherboard-Intel-Socket-1Audio/dp/B088F4CHQ9
    RAM Old 0
    Cooler 380 https://www.amazon.in/Intel-LGA115x-CPU-Heatsink-E97379/dp/B01MSD39CN
    Total 5204

  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    Yes, will upgrade the internals to following within 3 years
    i5 12400 + mobo (B660M DS3H) + RAM - plan give my current PC parts when I make an upgrade in future

  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Bengaluru
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • Yes
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Browsing
    • Desktop Processing
    • Video calls
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • NA
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 10 64 bit
Any opinion on the parts listed below?
CPU i5 3470 1999 https://www.amazon.in/Intel-Excellent-Performance-Processor-Silver/dp/B09T3NQQSQ
Mobo Zebronics H61 2825 https://www.amazon.in/Zebronics-Motherboard-Intel-Socket-1Audio/dp/B088F4CHQ9
RAM Old 0
Cooler 380 https://www.amazon.in/Intel-LGA115x-CPU-Heatsink-E97379/dp/B01MSD39CN
Total 5204
Expecting a used CPU & cooler, mobo might be new though. I need it to last another 2-3 years. Alternatively, I know R3 4350G based rig is like 18k but want to spend as low as possible.
If the existing processor was enough for what your parents needed to do with the computer, then I would recommend getting a used H55 motherboard only. I did check olx and google and H55 motherboards seem to be available to around 1-2K. If not want to go this route, then your suggested config is also good. Other option will be a raspberry pi. Raspbian will not have any problems with what your parents want to do with the computer.
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For a budget of 20K, you could easily get a good Ryzen setup (used) which will be a HUGE upgrade for your parents.
You can get Pentium Gold G6400 + compatible motherboard + 8 gb crucial RAM for ~12k

Or there's one Athlon 3000 for sale in the market section here. If you get that, and a compatible mobo and RAM, you can easily get it under 10k.

I'm assuming you can use your current SSD, PSU, and cabinet.