News Battlefield 7 Leaks

Now this is more like it! I'm a huge BF3/BF4 old-schooler. 1000 Hrs in each. After the turd that was 2042 (which made BF V look like game of the year), this seems to be a step in the right direction.
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As a BFBC2 player, I soo want this franchise to come back with a 10/10 game but I don't see it happening with all the Battle Pass and Microtransactions shit around. Also, an update from BF Discord.

"To evolve the moment system we've revamped animations and reintroduced movement features such as crouch sprint, combat dive and landing roll, and added visual indicators to make it easier to understand when movements such as vaulting or leaning are possible."

Player mechanics in BF3 was a dream come true for me. They screwed that on with BF4 and onwards making it heavy and unresponsive to begin with. Unless that change I don’t see myself coming back.

Another factor is terrible pings we get because of no server here in India. Battlefield is all about multiplayer and that’s what suffers when ping is greater than 100ms.
The UI looks exceptionally better than BF2042's along with the gameplay. But this is DICE and EA we're talking about. They've had a track record of releasing the games broken on release since BF4.