BCA from Madurai Kamaraj University


How is Madurai Kamaraj University ?
I am planning to do Distance B.C.A. Regular - 3 years course
Madurai Kamaraj University is recognized University but is BCA course from them is genuine coz all other University required 10+2 with Mathematics as a distinct subject like IGNOU
where as in Madurai University only 10+2....
I did my B.C.A in TBML College, affiliated to Bharathidasan university. What they asked at the time of admission was 10+2, with at least 60% aggregate, irrespective of any distinct subjects. But, assuming that all the B.C.A. course offered by the universities are more-or-less the same, there will be at least 3 mathematics papers (allied). My subjects were Numerical analysis & statistics, Operations research, Accounting. So, if you are a mathematics student, you can perform well in these papers. That's all.