Beetel 110bx issue


hello guys, M having some issue with the above modem for the past 4 days. While browsing, yahoo messenger disconnects and reconnects, not able to get the web page. after refreshing getting the web page. Sometimes m never able to browse nor connect yahoomsngr. It gets alright after powercyclng the modem

These occur 1-2 times per day.

modem Being Connected to dlink switch. One more pc is also connected to switch and m able to access the other pc when this issue occurs. So confirmed that the problem is not with switch.

So called up airtel and they replaced this with beetel 220bx (used old one and not fresh piece). B4 10 months was having some issues with 220bx and after that they gave me the 110bx which was working fine till last week.

Morning aritel guy came instlled 220bx and it was fine. I was in a hurry going out . Only eveing i came, but m not able to browse. all modem lights are on. power cycled the modem (off and on). Its ok as for now.
Now Wat cud be the issue. Is the issue with ethernet or switch or bb modem ?. plz solve...