Beetel 220bx firmware upgrade help

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i need help upgrading firmware as my firmware 3.04l does not have the update option available in the modem menu (No management or diagnostics option either)
A very easy option is get your modem replaced. Airtel can change your modem hand to hand.... just visit Airtel BB office.
OK This is not about airtel or Beetel 220bx. but another crappy from BSNL Dare Global DB 108. I have this one with all the probs heats up too much, frequent ADSL link loses u name it. So I was thinking about a firmware update but found none. So I decided OK I'm gonna lose money anyway buying new lets open this thing up and look for chipset and may be I can find similar modems around. And it turned out to be Broadcom 6338. which made me search for same around and I downloaded it from the link Torch gave.

I tftp-ed to my modem connected on my LAN port and sended the .img file in.

waited for five mins. and voila it was working and working nice for last 24hrs or so with some minor hickups.. mostly I believe since I'm 4-5 kms away from exchange.

Hope this helps some...



2. rename it to 1.img or something short for ease of use(dont want type 20 letter)

3. goto Start Menu -> Run

4. Type cmd

5. Change Directory to where u stored image (i put in c:\ again for easy access)

6. Make sure ur modem is connected to ur PC's LAN/Ethernet port

7. type tftp -i IPADDRESSOFMODEM PUT 1.img

8. wait 5-10 mins . switch off and switch on router/modem

PS: my old password for the router was there if its not working try using default password

@Torch thanks for the file

Thanks to all
Torch and Zcatcte

The link provided by Torch at '' has been expired, Pl. upload latest version and post
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