PC Peripherals Best 17"CRT option


To begin with I do not have the money to buy an LCD and I do not feel like waiting as my 14/15" monitor is dying which has lost its R and now only has GB

So now I am looking for the cheapest solution. With LCDs you cannot get quality without paying like crazy so CRT. Even 10k seems a long shot :( anyway so now which brand should I look for in the CRT section.

Please let me know the best option in CRT and the price. I am willing to spend 5-5.5k however lower the better but I need quality and reliable that can last another 5-7 years like my current one has.

Thanks in advance. Need to buy this in the next couple of days
+1 for Samsung 798MB Plus. But I dont think its that expensive. Should be available for less than 6k. I payed 6.7k more than 2years back.
why isnt anyone recommending Viewsonic? Their CRT's rock (at least rocked when i bought them) , even right now they seem to offer terrific VFM!
Viewsonics are good but have never seen them in stores. I have used 5", 17" and 20" ones. They are pretty good. But I liked my samsung better than viewsonics.
greenhorn said:
why isnt anyone recommending Viewsonic? Their CRT's rock (at least rocked when i bought them) , even right now they seem to offer terrific VFM!
Hell yeah! Heck their 19 inch monitors have reached a 7.4k bar so thats makes it a great buy.As far as the customer service is concerned,I have had one issue so far which was the brightness menu would keep popping up automatically.Called the contact centre & had a service guy sent the very next day as promised & was fixed within a few minutes.Said it was not an issue with the hardware but moisture had been accumulated hence the buttons malfunctioned.:bleh:

But I believe their clarity & vibrance is really good.Their 17" monitor is rarely available these days.My friend got one for 4.8k but it doesn't have the Ultra Brite facility so feels a bit incomplete.If you need quality then trust me spend 2k extra & settle for a 19 inch as it would make a huge screen difference.But if you are really short on cash then look for a Samsung 798MB plus.
thanks a lot guys

I'll see if I can add some more cash right now status is I have 8.1k and
in that I am also planning to get a Pinacle PCTV Stereo TV tuner card so I am keeping around 2.5k for that rest can go for the monitor. I'll see if I can add another k there.
Anybody know some place in nehru place who will buy a old 15" monitor other than the red color issue and the menu buttons everything seems to be fine
How much do you think it will go for???

Any specific model I should look for in viewsonic if I decide on a 19"

I see you have Viewsonic E96f+Sb and you seem to be happy with it

I think there might also be availability issue in nehru place
Will go there in a couple of days and see what I can find.

I faced this consideration a year ago. I finally got a Philips 107T5. The display was very sharp but there were 2 problems
1) The colour seemed a little blue. I adjusted this a bit and it seemed to be better.
2) I was not able to get 4 corners of the display right. There was a sharp bend on the bottom right. This really bugged me. Nothing I tried with the OSD controls would fix this. The Philips IceAdjust softare didn't help either.

I took it back and the exchanged it for a Samsung 798 MB Plus. The colour was much nicer and felt more natural. But, still the issue with getting the 4 corners proper was there on the Samsung too!!. I became fed up and just kept the piece.
Another issue with the samsung is that it's not as sharp as the Philips monitor was. If I increase the brightness beyond text mode, the font becomes harder to read. It's bearable upto the 2nd internet mode but the game and movie modes, it's very bad.
Also, after about 6-7 months usage, there is a high pitched sound coming at 800X600 resolution. I keep my monitor on overnight for downloads and a lot of dirt has gone in via the large holes at the back so I'm guessing my poor caretaking of my monitor is somewhat responsible for this.

I don't know if only I was unfortunate but my experience with flat screen monitors has left me feeling that a curved screen would be a better option.

I think LG would be a better option vs Samsung.
if you are getting a 19 inch CRT. bear in mind that they will load your UPS a LOT . i finally had to run my 17 inch CRT off mains eventually.

@ techie_007, i have no idea about viewsonic service, never needed it :p My E70fSB is kept next to the door to the terrace, and lord knows how much dust it has accumulated. Havent had an issue with it ( except for reduced sensitivity of one of the buttons ) in the 4 years I've owned it. I bought it after comparing it side by side with an LG E700S

The newer LCD's are a different breed i guess when it comes to reliablity (no issues so far with my VG1930 so far *touch wood* :) )
my 798MB has held on well for 1.5+years of being next to a construction site (see my rig pics for how much dust gathers in just couple of days), right now im not using it but havent had any problems. Have always used it at 1280x1024.
Do not plan for 5 yrs, get a used 17" CRT @ ~2k - , it will last you a couple of years easy. And then go in for a LCD or another used CRT, maybe at that time it will be ~750 :)
leo_club said:
I see you have Viewsonic E96f+Sb and you seem to be happy with it

I think there might also be availability issue in nehru place
Will go there in a couple of days and see what I can find.

Yea very happy with it actually.I don't usually fancy LCD's that much because of their wierd viewing angles.If you need to go in for a 17 inch I think Viewsonic's E72f+SB was the best possible model to go for.When I was about to purchase my rig I had to go from one side of the earth to the other only to find out Viewsonic had chucked their 17 inch range of CRT's completely.I was shocked to hear that as I only wanted that specific CRT model.It was only when I was notified that 19 inch models had plummted their prices heavily did I decide to go for E96f+SB.:hap2:

If Viewsonic E72f+SB is available then go for it eyes closed.You won't get a better deal.:)
I say go for a 19" LCD for 8-9.5k. Remember that the weight and power consumption figures for CRTs >= 19" are really high.