PC Peripherals Best 17"CRT option

Yupp. I was considering the 19 inch Samsung 997DF that I saw at another TE members' place. It had a much sharper picture than the 798MB.
What kept me away from 19 inchers were.
1) Very heavy vs a 17 incher. A 17 incher is manageable w.r.t weight and can be easilt relocated around the house. A 19 incher might break your table if it's not strong and is a pain to get a proper hold of itself for moving around.
2) Occupies more desk space. I can barely keep my mouse on my table with my 17 incher.
3) Consumes more power.
4) More CRT radiation( I don't know to what extent but I don't fancy this fact).
5) Requires higher resolution for usage. Your gfx card would have to be capable of good frame rates at high resolutions. Also, I may be wrong here but movies seem smaller at higher resolutions. I guess they would looke even smaller at 1280X1024 thus necessitating the need for hi-def content.
Thanks guys i'll see whats available on monday. I hope it fits in my budget
Still working on geting some more funds.
I'll try to find viewsonic
be back later
Alright guys went to see whats available and this is what I got

Viewsonic E96F+Sb ---------------- 8000
viewsonic E72F+Sb ---------------- 3750( Could this be possible I had a feeling he wasn't sure about this, i was in a hurry so I didn't double check)
Pinacle PCTV Stereo Card with Fm--- 1850
Samsung 798MB Plus---------------- 5600

So now what should I get
If the 17" viewsonic is really for that price(which I seriously doubt) may be I'll go for it or should I go for the 19" at 8k in that case I'll have to get another 1.5k or dump the TV tuner(which I would really like to have)

I want to go with the 19" I'll see if I can come up with the extra money

For everybody who is going to tell me to get an LCD for that price I already have LG 194WS and I hate the viewing angle and one resolution thing (other than that its great though)

I also got these prices if anyone is interested

Cannon MP 145------------3375(CE)
Cannon MP 180------------4900(CE)
D-Link KVM switch---------3250(SMC)
Sony Vaio VGN-CR36G/B--- 52200(CE)

I want to get this within a couple of days so help me decide
Alright guys it turned out to be e71b(non perfect flat) for 3750
Gave it a lil thought and thought what the hell I'll just get it.

Set it up had to do some adjustments to the screen but now all set

I have been using 15" CRT without red color so this looks really good to me
17" seems BIG and I think I wouldn't have liked the 19" as it would have been huge.
I don't know about the shortcomings of this monitor but for now I am happy
One scary thing is the loud clicking noise it makes when changing resolution like when I start a game. Please let me knowif this is something I need to worry about. other than that it seems great.

Thanks for all the help guys
^Don't worry happens here as well.It's not a hardware fault or anything.It happens with my monitor too.No problems so far.Congrats for the purchase.I think it's the same model which my friend got too.Just need to calibrate the screen colour & contrast settings & it's good to go.