Monitors Best 19" LCD??

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Hey ppl.Pls suggest the best 19" LCD monitor for gaming and movies.Shud have a dvi port...Also wud it be better to go for a widescreen monitor or will there be porblems during gaming as the screen resolutions on the WS monitor are different and will they be supported by all games??
I'm personally lookin at the Samsung 940BW Widescreen lcd...
Do u hav any other suggestions???
have a look at the viewsonic va1912wb(19 inch widescreen)... thats what i bought about a week or 2 back... and that was the recommended by everyone from here...
"Best" can be different for different ppl with different budgets... Read the forums and u'll find a lot of threads for monitor purchases of 19" LCDs...

IMO for 19"

1.) Viewsonic VP930

2.) Hyundai B91D

3.) Viewsonic VA1912WB

If u had mentioned the budget would have possibly been different rankings.. But these three monitors use the best LCD panels out there. And personally I think 19" widescreen have quite small vertical res. 24" and greater is the right size for widescreens!!
viewsonic 19inch widescreen..
i bought here at chennai 2 weeks back for 13.6
and when i was buying the samsung 19 inch widescreen was 14k something

and the viewsonic 19inch non wide screen is something like 17k
thats the vp series i think...
where do we get Hyundai lcd monitors in mumbai? most shops in lamington only stock either Samsung, Viewsonic or Benq. The odd ones even have Umax monitors.
The absolute best in a sane price is the older Dell 1905FP. However these days all u'll get in India are the TN panel widescreens :P.
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