Best alternative for BSNL WA3002G4 Modem

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I have a BSNL Type -2 WA3002G4 Modem which has been giving me all sorts of problems , the biggest of which has been very poor Wifi coverage. I am looking for a good alternative , which can give me the best coverage possible. My budget is go upto 4000.

Please suggest a good options.
Get a seperate modem and a good router with range. Put the modem in bridge mode, let the router do the authentication etc. This will be the best solution, IMO. My friend uses this option, with a Cisco/Linksys router which gives him good range over the entire flat of about 2000sq ft.
hey thanks for the quick reply. I dont know much about good models and dont want to mess up anything. Could you suggest a good option for a Modem and also Cisco/ Linksys router? One doubt, will this be better than a router + modem combo?
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