Best Bit Torrent client at the moment?

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Definitely UTorrent.
I'm working on NAT and with firewall and still have up to 500kb/s on 1mbit/s connection (don't know how is it possible but well...), so I guess it's pretty impressive...
utorrent here. used it once, never felt the need to use anything else again. it's light and simple. my speeds are pretty much the same on every client so i can't talk about that and i don't really need too many advanced features like a scheduler so im not gonna switch to anything else for now.
ashr said:
utorrent here. used it once, never felt the need to use anything else again. it's light and simple. my speeds are pretty much the same on every client so i can't talk about that and i don't really need too many advanced features like a scheduler so im not gonna switch to anything else for now.

I think utorrent is the onky client at the moment that has a scheduling function without add-ons.....
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