Graphic Cards Best card for 2K ....

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A chick from my college wanna buy a graphics card and she is taking me to cmptr store...her budget is ~2.5k what card should be expected for that money...??? will a R9600 (non-pro) or fx 5600 (non-ultra) come in that budget ??
^^ one guy (ashr) selling a 9600nonPro in the Market..u might wanna check it out...
@ sunnybol..he is selling in chenai only...And I contacted her and she said she wants only brand new ones...typical girly mind !!!!!!!

@memmories dv...her pics are irrelavant to this thread ;) ;)
I guess at best you could find an FX 5200 for that budget.

The FX5600, I doubt its being manufacture anymore.. the FX 5700 is all you would find in its place and that is definately not within your budget.
A 6200 would be available for about the same, wouldn't it ?

@digital_brain - her picture would be relevant to the post, considering we are talking about stuff related to graphics,..... :P
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^ You call that a picture? :bleh:

Anyway the FX5200 looks to be your option at around ~ 2K.

A 6200 would be better, however thats around the 3K mark, perhaps if you get better pricing you could get it for ~ 2.5k .
u can get a 128mb fx5200 w/ warranty and tht is good unless she's not into very hard gaming or graphics (u should get a heatsink edition, tht is.. no fin edition ... as for a cheap card as 5200, fans would pretty noisy and risky to failure)
Yeah bought fx5200 yesterday...for 2K .... a Fan Edition...heatsink ones were hard to find...infact fx card are not much available these days !!!!!!
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