Best desktop screen recorder?

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Desktop Screen Record:ohyeah:

Main Features:

Start, pause, stop screen recording with user-defined hotkeys.

Can record screen activities into Standard or Compressed AVI files

Can record full screen or any part of the screen

Can record Screen in any screen color depth

Supports sound recording from microphone, videotape, internet, etc.

Can show flashing rectangle when screen recording or paused

Select the video encoder for your screen recorder output AVI file

Adjustable screen capture frame rate and playback rate

Set the sound recording format and compressed audio format

Can record Actual Cursor or Custom Cursor

Can add a highlight area around the cursor during screen recording

User friendly interface, easy to use
i have also used camtasia studio and its pretty good. one word of advice is to record audio first and do actions then instead of trying to do both together.
Snagit is an all around awesome screen capture utility regions to scrolling pages and video... I use to capture everything :)
i used screen recorders . . .but most of thm doesnt record audio nd video at same time . .

Video gets recorded fine with no audio.

Is this da prob wit ma system or da app itself.

i had used

Ez screen recorder

I screen recorder

Super screen recorder

My screen recorder
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