Best Digital Marketing classes?

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I am about to start a business next year as I am fed up of current job. Thought of learning digital marketing as it would be beneficial to me in 3 ways.
Anyone knows the best place to learn it in Delhi?
Wanna learn it in less time. No problem going there regularly
cant learn digital marketing in a classroom.
Do courses on coursera, edX etc. for free or udemy ones which are paid
Go through youtube for tons of free videos.
Apply them on job/business. test, tweak and evolve.
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Can it be done in 2 months if I spend 3-4 hrs per day on learning it?
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sure. thats good enough to learn things. after that, it is all about application and what works and doesnt so it needs be on the job
My brother gave the same advice a few hours ago. I can apply it at two places. One is a website of a friend and another is a blog of another friend. :P
Digitial marketing for websites are fondly called as SEO. That involves some developer knowledge as well. Of course, there are ways other than using developer aspects.
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