Best fantasy games and action games with stories ?

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If you are into adeventure games then there is no game better than Indigo Prophcey/ Farenheit. Amazing story, just sucks u in..... A really really addictive game, more like a movie.
saumilsingh said:
I'll probably get flamed for this, but Indigo Prophecy sucks.
Good experiment. Bad game.

I wouldn't say it sucked, but yeah they ruined the ending. I don't have much to look for in their upcoming Heavy rain (in terms of gameplay), but I hope they don't **** up with the story.
saumilsingh said:
KOTOR and Planescape: Torment.

I was playing KOTOR and I felt even an RTS has more action and entertainment than that. Maybe I didnt give it enough time but clicking to queue up actions in a fight scene is not really fun.
IMHO, the Soul Reaver series is the king of Story Driven games, man it has timetravel, betrayal and more betrayal, revenge everything that makes a story immersive. sad its from an another era of gaming where story and characters mattered more than Occlusion Culling.
3rd Person Action - Oni, Giants: Citizen Kabuto, MDK, Legacy of Kain series, Prince of Persia series

FPS - Undying, Halo, Dead Space, Bioshock

RTS/RPG - Spellforce series, Sacrifice, Future Cop: LAPD, Fable

Planescape Torment is the only RPG where I actually bothered to read the dialogue options rather than quickly skipping through it.

And yeah, Indigo Prophecy sucked because of its save game system and the ridiculous timed action sequences.
[quote name='pom99']
In action games, I like Max Payne and Far cry. Probably because of their dark lead characters. What are the other games in this genre with some story lines and dark characters? :)

POP-WW falls in similar category..maybe hitman series and RE4
Renegade said:
I was playing KOTOR and I felt even an RTS has more action and entertainment than that. Maybe I didnt give it enough time but clicking to queue up actions in a fight scene is not really fun.
That's because KOTOR isn't an action game at all, the combat utilizes D&D roll-based calculations. The game's true focus is on the plot, decisions and sheer immersion.
Seriously, you missed what was possibly the biggest plot twist in gaming history if you gave up on KOTOR; not to mention an extremely immersive Star Wars experience.
Great recommendations from all !!! I am boiling down to Witcher and soul reaver . And I will get hold of the others by and by.
yea witcher is an epic game.

also, someone mentioned Deus Ex above. Superb game. Try that too. Available for <7$ on steam now.
Right off the bat, I can only name these:

Rise of the argonauts
Mass effect
Prince of Persia series (except POP 08 which I hate, but completed it anyways)
Max Payne series
Half life 2, ep1, 2
Quake 4 (good plot)
crysis an warhead
condemned: criminal origins
indigo prophecy

You should actually visit and surf their database with filters applied like pc>>RPG>> etc....
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