Best GPRS plan?

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Hi all.
I am using tata docomo 95 rs plan which gives 100 mb per month, is there any better plan than this? From any other provider?
ayascool said:
man why r u need of GPRS so much ???

I think reliance is gonna start one. When i do not know.aircel has one not the 98 pm but the gprs. You need to contact a dealer for many reviews suggest aircel is going the Bpl way low speeds and connectivity problems.

Edit: my sister uses aircel she got an sms free GPRS all ports enabled Rs.301 for 100 days. seems better with no FUP.
Idea Postpaid..199 bucks per month for 256 MB!! I am on a corporate plan so I get 512 MB for the same cost!!
Get loop mobile prepaid, enable wap on it .. for only Rs.49 per month u get unlimited wap usage ( read: it's through proxy and not gprs ) . I am able to use it in PC too by setting same proxy in browser, speed is 5-8KB/s in day time and up 12 KB/s at night. Connection is very unstable but this plan is damn good for browsing on mobile and messenger stuff ( ebuddy ) .
I think Aircel have really done great in keeping up to the standards of good service. The GPRS is cheap at the same time one doesn’t have to compromise with the quality. In case of any problem the Customer care is always at their feet to help you out.
sri_rng said:
Vodafone postpaid Corporate plan.. 99 bucks unlimited GPRS :)


I am currently using Airtel's corporate plan. Here are my plan details:

50 bucks rental
10 paisa Closed User Group Calling
30 paisa any mobile
60 paisa landline
200 smses free

100 Rupees Unlimited GPRS

I hate Airtel's network coverage, though the GPRS is pretty good. A few questions as number portability is around the corner and I might just switch over to vodafone:

1. How is Vodafone's GPRS ?
2. Can you live stream youtube without buffering in-between ?

3. What are your plan details ?
nothing better than BSNL

with any postpaid plan 199 rs gprs unlimited

and the icing in the cake is if your city has 3g

i.e 3g services launched or BSNL has upgraded its infrastructure

then try gprs on 3g handset with dual mode enabled in handset

you will get 256 Kbps !!!

thats the speed on BSNL broadband unlimited plan

i was also surprised

with constant download speed of 28kBps

pls check this you will not regret

( i havent checked whether this speed is only on 3g enabled network or other network also somebody can check this )

Access point should be bsnlnet

the details about the change of AP have been uploaded on bsnl site
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