Best Multiplayer RTS

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I guess the AoE and WC series are the more popular but which games give you the best in multiplayer?
For me the choices are Total Annihilation and Starcraft.
for long drawn out huge battles, there is AOE, for short n sweet games, there is wc3/sc

no idea a bout the c&c/warhammer series
nukeu666 said:
for long drawn out huge battles, there is AOE, for short n sweet games, there is wc3/sc
no idea a bout the c&c/warhammer series

I really like AoE but the game doesn't have the depth or balance of either TA or SC. In a straightforward deathmatch the game is decided the moment you know you have the majority of relics...
1v1/2v2/4v4 have very different game styles

in 4v4 all that matters is how often teammate help each other and the number of trade carts running in between
Warcraft3. It was the most innovative rts since Dune invented the genre and still remains that way.
All the rest - including Starcraft and DoW - turn into a mass-fest sooner or later.

With Warcraft3, it's always controlled smaller skirmishes with just a few Heroes and a selectively put together combination of units, where every single one counts.
The best one of the newer releases over last 1 year is company of heros. Multiplayer mode is really one of the best i have seen in a while in RTS.
C&C without a doubt. RA2 had the best multi as far as I'm concerned.

Craft series just sucks...its not a game, its just micro plain work, not fun at all, at least not for me.
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