Best P2P Software??

uTorrent for me too

but i guess it does not matter so much, its seeds and peers which affect ur speed..a light client will only keep ur processor calm
Obviously, everyone's favorite would be torrents. But, what about those small obscure files that you want to download sometimes... maybe a single song, a particular dependency file,etc?

So, what do you use OTHER THAN torrents?

Dc++,IRC,UseNet,EMule etc
I use mirc for a lot of my music and utorrent when it's other.

what channels servers do y'all use in Mirc and for what? (i.e. music tv movies)
I've been using emule for a long time, and so far theres been only 1 file that I haven't found on it. I'm so used to it now that I'd only stop using it if the network completely died out. I get pretty good speeds too, but only as long as I'm downloading a few files simultaneously.
^I second that. There is nothing better than ed2k network if you have got patience. Been using it for over 4 years now and dont see the need to use torrents unless its a file I need immediately.