Car & Bike Best Polish for Bikes ??

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Insanely Idiotic
Hi guys,
I Own a Honda Unicorn and it's been running solid for the past 4 yrs and 10 months
Over the years,my bike has been losing its shine
Initially when i use to give my at Honda S.C i had taken a Teflon coating contract with them at the interval of 3 months and i'm not going for that anymore

I need to know which is the best polish for bikes so that the shine lasts longer ??
I have heard that Liquid Wax Polish is really good,something like this - Turtle Wax

I wanna know some recommendations from our TEian's here as to what you guys use ?
I just started using Turtle's Platinum Wax(Liquid one), costs about 500.
Have applied once till now, brings out awesome shine! Water beads too, but doesn't quite last long like a regular hard wax(F1 carnuba).
I just started using Turtle's Platinum Wax(Liquid one), costs about 500.
Have applied once till now, brings out awesome shine! Water beads too, but doesn't quite last long like a regular hard wax(F1 carnuba).

Where did you get it from ?? Locally or Online ??
I need something that lasts long enough,i use to apply waxpol but that doesn't last more than 2-3 days:no2:
Well I use Meguiars stuff on my bikes. Can buy it on any 3M shop. I use M26 Carnauba polish for black, NXT/NXT2 for other colours.

Results below:







Well,the results definitely looks good
Gonna find a 3M shop in my location :p

Anyone tried Formula 1 Wax Polish ??
I got turtle wax locally here in Chennai, its available in Snap deal I guess.
Meguiars is pretty good, probably the best your money could get, quite expensive though.
I got turtle wax locally here in Chennai, its available in Snap deal I guess.
Meguiars is pretty good, probably the best your money could get, quite expensive though.

Well,as Sunny suggested i'm gonna look for Meguiars NXT/NXT 2 since i have a Red Unicorn
Have located a couple of 3M shops nearby gonna visit them during the weekend and see what happens

My local mechanic had a Formula 1 carnauba Wax which i applied today,lets see how long does it last
But over the years i have noticed that some portion of the fiber has lost it glow,is it possible to revive the glow on those parts ?? Because they look dull compared to the metal parts on the bike

Well,as Sunny suggested i'm gonna look for Meguiars NXT/NXT 2 since i have a Red Unicorn
Have located a couple of 3M shops nearby gonna visit them during the weekend and see what happens

If you want to buy online, check out below:

Megs SwirlX & NXT Wax

General prices:

Meguiar's India

I would want you to be wary of what I say, I have tonnes of polishes/stuff lying, and using just the wax from meguiars might not give you the end result you need :P

If you want to buy online, check out below:

Megs SwirlX & NXT Wax

General prices:

Meguiar's India

I would want you to be wary of what I say, I have tonnes of polishes/stuff lying, and using just the wax from meguiars might not give you the end result you need :P


lol,nice showcase there
I'm even more confused now :p

Can you tell me your exact method of application ?? Particularly on the bikes other than black colored ?
Sorry for the late reply.

Go for NXT/UltimateWax if you want the surfaces to be looking like a mirror. Go for the M26/Carnauba polish if you want depth/fluid look.

Get a bottle of ultimate Polish/SwirlX as well. Helps a LOT if your bike is a bit old.
Sorry for the late reply.

Go for NXT/UltimateWax if you want the surfaces to be looking like a mirror. Go for the M26/Carnauba polish if you want depth/fluid look.

Get a bottle of ultimate Polish/SwirlX as well. Helps a LOT if your bike is a bit old.

Alright,Thanks a lot mate :)
Using Formula 1 Carbruna Wax since last one year.. Quite good for the price they come, given that you find original one.
Layer's shine and presence could be felt till 20 days.. they it start fading off (I daily clean bike for dust)

Heard good words for Waxpol wax also.. But also heard that its too hard and you can even fail in removing the residue if not aware of correct way to do it. But results are good..

Only these two available in my city :)
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