PC Peripherals Best priced and performing cabinet.

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As nobody here agrees with my decision to buy a Super Lanboy, I have decided to give it a second thought. The SLK 3700 BQE is nice but only a 350W smart power.

The second option, the Sonata with a 380W True power. Anyways I have got hold of something cool here, check it out

1.Antec price list
2.Thermaltake price list

These are the latest price lists which Mediatech sent me, so do check them out. Also let me know which cabinet is the best bang for the buck.

Will a 350W PSU be enough for my config. I have decided on the Gainward 6800 now.
Well if you try to buy your stuff from stores you will be able to buy only cabinet without the PSU. These dealers then sell the PSU along and they are more than happy to sell cabinet without PSU at reduced price.
And whoever told ya not to buy SuperLanboy was correct. Its very cramped cabinet.
Antec cabinets in the range of Rs.5000 dosent have looks but they are sturdy and spacious.
Is thermaltake available here? And will you please list the prices here? I dont have word or excel installed.
Anyway if TT cabinets are available then look for xaser III or tsunami.
These are very good and sturdy and of course very heavy cabinets from thermaltake.

Then for little high there is Coolermaster Wavemaster. One of the most beautiful cabinets available today in India.
It costs anywhere from Rs.7350-9000.
Its not one of the biggest cabinets but its certainly not cramped. Has enough space and made up of complete Aluminium. No Iorn or steel anywhere.
Has removable motherboard tray, 2x80mm front fans, 1 80mm rare fan and 1 80mm chimney fan. I am using this right now and i am letting it go only because i am getting Cm stacker from abroad.
Also i dont remember the name of the cabinet that Mask has but that is one good cabinet too.
As I had mentioned earlier, the Antec SLK 3700 is probably best bang for the buck, since you get a bundled 350W PSU along with it. If you ask me, a 350W is fairly sufficient for your rig, unless you are thinking of SLI at any time in the future.

I have the same case and it is quite good. Helped reduce my temps by 10-15 degrees over the earlier Kobian cabinet. I notice that they have given you the price for the BQE (Black Quiet Edition) case, which they told me was not available and was listed by mistake. Check with them once, you will probably find the AMB instead of the BQE.

If you are not planning on overclocking either your CPU or the GPU, there is no need for additional cooling systems, unless even slightly hot chips make you nervous. I suggest that you leave the cooling accessories alone. Of course, if you are into overclocking, these things are a must but not for a regular user.

I play a lot of games on my system and although it does get warm it never gets hot. And I have not extra cooling apart from two fans (one 80mm rear fan which came with the case and one 120mm intake which I added).

Hope this helps you. And I think it is time you actually bought the system. :)
Yeah Jai, I am buying the system on the 19th or 20th, but I just wanna be sure. See how I found the Gainward 6800, a great deal.

Well I do intend to OC my CPU and GPU and RAM but no SLI. will add a 120mm fan to it.

What does AMB stand for ? I am looking for a Black cabinet so the BQE should be fine.

Oh, and funky I have treid copying the Excel file here but it gets all messed up. No TT cabinets just h/s and cooling systems. Prime is the dealer for TT.

So the 3700BQE, final ?
The main differences of the 3700AMB and BQE besides the colour is that the BQE has the 3.5" HDD bays at right angle compared to normal placement of the HDD cage and it has 4 3.5" bays with the drives placed in cradles as against the AMB which the HDD bays in the normal fashion and this has 5 3.5" bays. My Antec case has the HDDs like the BQE and it makes it very easy to add and remove drives with the drive cradles - I felt that the drives run hotter as the drives PCB is covered by the bottom of the metal cradle so I have made holes on the bottom of the cradles and this has cooled the drives quite a bit.

EDIT: One point I would like to make is that with the way the BQE is designed with the drives being placed sideways the drives and cables are kept totally out of the way and the full mother board is open to work on. I think with the AMB the HDDs and their cables will be hanging a bit over the mother board and they may cover a little of its edges.
hi anishcoool. . the stuff in the excel sheet is alll coolers rather than cases?? hmm..
hmm me too looking for a good case for my sli rig
hmm myrig is something like this
asus a8n sli
geforce 6600gt
1 gb dual channel memory

hmm the antec cases are on the higher side.. but will they suit an sli config?? i need as much free space as i can inside my cabinet d`int wont it gettign heated up all the time !!
also i htink i would be need 400 watts smps.
so please suggest me a good case .. cause i`m don`t want zebronics .. which is yuuuck!! not good at all.
if poosible please provide me a link!>.pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssseeeee.
Hmm, SLI no problem, go for the SLK 1650B with a 480W SMPS. It will cost you about 8,000, but that is the cheapest you can get. Else go for a 500W Powersafe PSU, dunno what the price is.

The antec website is here

Check it out !
hmm ya the case does seem a good enough now to get it from somewhere.. lets see..

hmm but i do`nt think i would need 480watts??? too much i think.. 350 is enough... but i would go for a 400 .. what say people?
SMC international, Nehru place and mention hardyboy about them he will give you a treat and buy you the stuff from them for free ;)
funkymonkey said:
Heh, well person speaks for himself ;) PMed quickfire as soon as i saw his post regarding Neo4.

Anyway back to topic. Has anyone tried this cabinet?


looks good. And I dont know where but i have seen this case pic somewhere here on TE.

have seen that, the plastic front looks very cheap. even the door squeaks :P

The wires for lighting in the case make it a verrrry messy cabby....

that HDD cooler is just a show :P am not convinced it'll cool the HDDs.....its just an aluminium plate with small fins on it....
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