Best Streamlabs/OBS settings for recording


This is for the members here who like to record without external devices like Elgato.
I have a 1440p monitor but I'm running DSR on 3413x1920 . ( Gives better in game quality )
But the screen recordings with Streamlabs looks really blurry. The output is 1440p and 1 minute 22 Seconds video took 3.01GB but still looks blurry.
Have tried different setting but doesn't seems to be making that much of a difference.

Please give your suggestions to preserve quality in recording.
I used to do recording. But will have to check my home system and can do in weekend only. I used to do in 1080p. With auto recording for specific games which starts after adding game in it.
Did u checked YouTube vids
I used to do recording. But will have to check my home system and can do in weekend only. I used to do in 1080p. With auto recording for specific games which starts after adding game in it.
Did u checked YouTube vids
Yup checked a couple of YouTube videos but almost every video is same.
Blurry or blocky video is generally a result of low bitrate while recording. You might want to check what is your bitrate. As per twitch streaming recommendation, they recommend at least 6000 Kbps for 1080p 60 FPS streaming. I know you are only recording, but if twitch says 6000 Kbps is good for viewers, then it is good for recorded videos also. Since 1440P has 78% more pixels than 1080p, you could start with 11000 Kbps and check if there is an improvement in recorded video.
Blurry or blocky video is generally a result of low bitrate while recording. You might want to check what is your bitrate. As per twitch streaming recommendation, they recommend at least 6000 Kbps for 1080p 60 FPS streaming. I know you are only recording, but if twitch says 6000 Kbps is good for viewers, then it is good for recorded videos also. Since 1440P has 78% more pixels than 1080p, you could start with 11000 Kbps and check if there is an improvement in recorded video.
Bitrate is already pretty high, Around 36Mbps.