Best Study Material for GMAT preparatiom

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Magoosh has 99$/100$ subscription. Its worth it. Also, the Manhattan series is useful. Official Guide + its two addons are are useful as a first starting point, before you go to more material.
if you want magoosh videos i have them (can send you them over a cd/dvd

the official guide is important...also i have all the material (upward of 8 GB) let me know if you want them too....
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Reactions: axeman and Arv90
The videos are not as important as the 800+ practice questions and the 2 practice tests you get online. Also, the 99$ "limited time offer" is actually a permanent offer. Thanks for the offer of the videos though, may take you up on that sometime.
I am not sure of the magoosh video content , but is it same as the veritas gmat prep?
I went though a few of the veritas videos and it was gmat cracking strategies.

also i have all the material (upward of 8 GB) let me know if you want them too
Will surely contact you in sometime.
Really appreciate your kindness:)
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