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hey guys i have a microtek 800VA UPS and it is giving me some problems so can some1 suggest what brand and what load UPS is best for my system

system in rig

thnxs for any and all help

also is 800VA capable of working and giving some 5-10 min backup coz the problem is when light goes the system automatically shuts down and sometimes it gives backup so dont know what to do
paraskhosla said:
hey guys i have a microtek 800VA UPS and it is giving me some problems so can some1 suggest what brand and what load UPS is best for my system

system in rig

thnxs for any and all help

also is 800VA capable of working and giving some 5-10 min backup coz the problem is when light goes the system automatically shuts down and sometimes it gives backup so dont know what to do

You probably use corsair tx750w, which has active pfc. You need ups providing pure sine wave, something similar to smart ups by APC. Look at 1000i model for around ~11k
You are using a Corsair 750tx which has active PFC, so you'd need a pure Sin wave UPS. Check here for more info.

EDIT : Wow, I got ninja'd.
I run two systems off a APC RS 1500, one has the TX750 and the other has a VX450. The system runs fine (both have active PFC, and the UPS isn't sine wave) but it does create a bit of buzz in all connected switching supplies - including those in my monitor. The wattage consumption also registers correctly, which I believe was a problem earlier.
thnxs guys for the suggestion

now i have bought this

APC Back-UPS RS 1500

its in white colour and is pretty huge

got it for 10k

is this a good upgrade?

also will this be able to handle my system well?
i too got a Active PFC PSU "Corsair 550VX" with my APC RS 1100VA UPS(Non-sinewave),working fine,except a very faint buzz from the PSU,when on Batteries during power outages!
Buzz is due to mismatch in switching frequency of UPS and switching frequency of PSU in your computer, monitor, etc. The harmonics of the difference resonate through the inductors and if it's slightly loose (all are, by design) it will be audible as a rattling of the coils. It's not harmful but very irritating, though low-quality components can behave unpredictably.

It is minimised in case of UPS with very high switching frequency. My microtek 500VA does not create this at all (and it's >6 years old) in connected PSUs, but it's too small to carry the entire system load.

The RS1500 is pretty decent. I get (estimated) 45 minutes backup when the gaming PC is not connected, and about 8 minutes with it on. Worst-case power consumption is <600 watts, so the UPS has plenty of headroom, and a higher quality 1000VA unit should have been enough, actually. Though once the load crosses the halfway mark the UPS software urges one to not connect more equipment, which I think is a poor show. I think we overestimate the amount of power we actually use, I have a very hungry 140 watt 9950BE and a Radeon 4870X2 running a Dell 3008WFP at full resolution, I thought it would be around 600 watts but it tops out at about 450-480 watts. The Dell is about 70 watts, and the download PC is around 100 watts.
yah i know

thnxs for the info also i think my system on full load takes around 450+ watts only according to the software of APC
the buzz occur when the unit is overloaded,,active PFC psus shouldnt have buzzing problem,,,take atleast 1kva unit,,i would suggest APC,smart series(pure sine wave,,shouldnt give ne probs watsoever)
but i have bought an APC BACK UPS 1500

should i be worried about the buzz it makes?

i mean will there be anything wrong with my system ?
since ur using corsair 750w tx with 0.99 pfc u dont have to worry about buzz,,just avoid to overload the ups!:D by the way congrats
what do u mean by overload?

iam just using my 24inch viewsonic and my system rig in sig

it shows 450+ on full load

do i have to worry about overload?

EDIT:i want the UPS to shutdown the system after 5 min of when there is no power

how can i enable the feature where the computer actually automatically(or UPS itself with its software)shuts down the system instead of hibernating..

plz help me
Umm guys parakhosla has not even mentioned he has a buzzing problem with his UPS just that the older one did not always work.

Can you connect up the new UPS and then let us know how it works for you ?

There is one good thing with your RS-1500, you have the ability to add an extral external APC battery which will lengthen the duration you can use your system during a powercut.
so ok now help me

will that buzz harm any component in my system?

plz be specific

also iam just using this UPS for the rig in sig

No , u dont need to worry abt the Buzz , if u have still worried about the buzz just ask in the CORSAIR website forum - The RAM guy who is corsair product guru will help u soon

My friend is Using APC1100VA with TX750 no worry at all , he is just fine - But make sure u dont work on the battery back up time

When the power goes if the Computer in Load - try immediate shutdown cause if u Overload the UPS then u ll get3-4Min backup Only !!

As Corei7 u have OCed also the GTX295 & all of ur components are little neck to backup power - u dont need to worry abt the Buzz - all u need to worry is the fast shutdown
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