Best way to keep Mosquito and other Insects away?

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Hello friends,

Monsoon already arrive with Dangerous Viral Fevers like Dengue/chicken guinea etc.

Is there any solution or suggestion to keep mosquitos and other insects out of House/Room.

One who personally implement something different/traditional way and get some good result can post suggestion/idea.

Please, just do not SPAM the thread with CRAPPED Ideas.
ah... try using odomos body cream... or else... do a Pest control session in ur house... keep ur surroundings clean...


Kauzy :) :)
in delhi ,no coils no mats work...if in delhi just pray that the "mos-ki-toe" stays away:ohyeah:

but one suggestion ..Get a MOSQUITO NET ..thats your best bet can get in the range of 300-400 rs :)
well, I have an ULTIMATE solution...... but EXPENSIVE too.

The Rooms which you want to keep clean from mosquitos, paint them with fresh lime-paints.

Not a single mosquito, ants etc.

They just can't take the smell of the limes. But, it is not dangerous to human health. coils/creams etc, which has a very very bad small to keep your GF run away from you :tongue:

Guests will think - "wow, new paint".

I have personal garentee with this solution :cool2:
mosquito nets. the ones they put on windows + ventilators, and spring load your doors ( so that they close by themselsves)

worked here :)
Install nets on your windows, keep the doors closed between 5-8pm if possible.

Odomos keeps 8 out 10 mosquitoes away, i tested it in a heavily infested area, only works for 4 hrs and then you need to apply again.
blr_p said:
Odomos keeps 8 out 10 mosquitoes away, i tested it in a heavily infested area, only works for 4 hrs and then you need to apply again.

isnt tht harmful to the skin in the long run??

btw, using nets on the windows is the best option...dont let them enter the house..its better than using repellants..nets are 100% harmless to humans..:P

Okay 99% harmless...1% for blocking the view of tht beautiful chick in saamnewaali khidki....:bleh:
Private Ryan said:
Okay 99% harmless...1% for blocking the view of tht beautiful chick in saamnewaali khidki....:bleh:

then in that case, i would say its 50% harmful. :P

yeah the best option would be mosquito nets.

you can also buy those badminton type mosquito killing racquets. just spot em n fry em. :ohyeah:

it kinda gives you a satisfaction too, that you yourself have killed the damn mosquito. :bleh:
Private Ryan said:
isnt tht harmful to the skin in the long run??
If it contained DEET, then yes. This is the most effective repellent known but toxic in the long term. If you were out in the swamps then creams come with upto 50% DEET in it.

That wiki page lists DEET as having the Systematic name of
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide or N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide
high school organic chemistry tells me the first is the formal name for the latter

Therefore Odomos *does* have DEET, but at a low concentration.

this review says

The repellant used is NN diethyl benzamide which is a safe repellant for even babies. The formulation is safe even for those who have asthma and other ENT problems, and is completely safe for the skin. New Advanced Odomos now has all those attributes of a good skin cream that would placate a reasonably finnicky woman.

More info here says

Historically, Odomos is having a remarkably good safety profile, with no reported adverse reactions from consumers, or reported to our distributors over the last 30 yrs. Odomos is a skin friendly Cream, containing the repellent NN Diethyl Benzamide in 12% concentration. Its ability to protect against mosquitoes is well documented. Dermal absorption studies done on Odomos reveals that there is no absorption of the active in the blood plasma, thereby concurring that it is absolutely safe on human skin. The studies carried out at IIT ( Indian Institute of Toxicology) have also shown that Odomos Cream is safe for use, as it has a not shown any toxicity. These scientific studies reaffirm the faith of our consumers in general who have used the product for the last 3 decades.

A friend told me that if DEET concentration is over 20%, that it becomes more toxic.
Ever believe in spell-casting? I have a lil chant that works all the time :) Give it a try and you'll be hooked, seriously ;)

"Blessed be thy little wings,

Keep away from me your harms & stings!"

Maya said:
Ever believe in spell-casting? I have a lil chant that works all the time :) Give it a try and you'll be hooked, seriously ;)

"Blessed be thy little wings,
Keep away from me your harms & stings!"


and please try your luck on some English speaking mosquitoes...:rofl:
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