best wired+wireless router

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i need to share my internet connection between 4 PC's (Wired), 1 Laptop (Wireless) & 1 Smartphone (Wireless) so which is the best 4 port wired+wireless router below 2.5k?

is the Buffalo WHR-G54S good for that purpose?
The buffalo was around 2.2K a while back. It should suffice for your requirements. The stock firmware can also be changed.
Go ahead with WHR-HP-G54, it has four ports and excellent wireless connectivity. Have been using with splash (read flash) of tomato for a long time. Excellent piece of hardware. :ohyeah: :ohyeah:


Udit said:
i need to share my internet connection between 4 PC's (Wired), 1 Laptop (Wireless) & 1 Smartphone (Wireless) so which is the best 4 port wired+wireless router below 2.5k?

is the Buffalo WHR-G54S good for that purpose?
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