Storage Solutions beware: Faulty new 300gbSATA Seagate

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In Delhi, Past 7 days I bought 3 Seagate 300gb Drives & all of them turn to be faulty in-line. first time ever in past 7 years of my IT Life i ever saw New Seagate drives to be faulty. All of them are the Old 7200.9 SATA ones.

Something strange i saw with these drives was that they came inside a Plastic casing box like Samsung Drives which i have never seen with seagate. Seagate's always used to come in Electrostatic polyethene always. Interestingly when i returned the hard drives & recieved the new Healthy ones, they came in the usual Electrostatic polyethene rather than the plastic box & worked like a charm out of the box.

The faulty hard drives do spin right but don't get detected. One of the drives i managed to get detected afterswirling it up/down for a moment while its spining & then restarting it. Anyways, Just wanted to share the experience of a possibly bad lot. If anyone else experiences same pls do post..

Got same 7200.9 last month (friend bought 2 infact), both still working like a charm :). They came in a Electrostatic Polyethene wrapping though...
mehargags said:
In Delhi, Past 7 days I bought 3 Seagate 300gb Drives & all of them turn to be faulty in-line. first time ever in past 7 years of my IT Life i ever saw New Seagate drives to be faulty. All of them are the Old 7200.9 SATA ones.

Something strange i saw with these drives was that they came inside a Plastic casing box like Samsung Drives which i have never seen with seagate. Seagate's always used to come in Electrostatic polyethene always. Interestingly when i returned the hard drives & recieved the new Healthy ones, they came in the usual Electrostatic polyethene rather than the plastic box & worked like a charm out of the box.

The faulty hard drives do spin right but don't get detected. One of the drives i managed to get detected afterswirling it up/down for a moment while its spining & then restarting it. Anyways, Just wanted to share the experience of a possibly bad lot. If anyone else experiences same pls do post..

you must have got defective ones :P

btw did you check where those drives were made?
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