Beware of Igate And Spectranet


hi all,

In the current broadband scene throughout the country, isps are planning to open bandwidth to consumers, well, herez 1 isp IGATE NETWORKS who buys bandwidth from SPECTRANET has decided its suscribers on the basis that they download too much and that buying bandwidth is costly for IGATE.

Last week, friday night many suscribers of IGATE have been capped to 8k download speed, bandwidth of 64k and are getting 512k from 12 am to 7 am jus becoz they have downloaded more then 15gb a month.

Can any1 having a head that has gray matter explain me the meaning of unlimited internet acess?? IGATE still claims that its service is unlimited but then if u cross the 15gb limit then u are capped to 8k which is beeing done coz the suscriber mus be trained to use his net habbits.

The reason i am posting this is i want all ppl who are suscribed under this sub-standard isp to stand up and fight for what is theirs, fight coz u are the ones paying for the bandwidth and i dont think any1 would be interested to pay800 bucks for this shitty sub-standard service which is more often down then up.

Beaware guys who would u call a thug, bhushan? the guy running IGATE? or SPECTRANET the isp providing the bandwidth??
Were doing that.

Ive already taken a few screenshots.

Were going to take them to Consumer court.

Ive been getting 64kbps in the day, since 5 days now, Also, 512kbps at night for 7 hours isnt enough to make up for all the downloads.

DLing at 32kBps all day, your download a lot more than at 60kBps for 7 hours.

I told them, if they want to to download only at night, give me 256 kbps day back, and give me atleast 1mbps night, from 11 - 9 am.

Bhushan (the main guy of iGate) has kept his cell of for the past 2 days now, and the head of my area, keeps blowing me off.

Consumer court, here we come.

Edit : Whats the best way to go about taking them to Consumer court.

Can any1 explain the full procedure?
I suggest you wait for a little more time, while waiting collect as much 'evidence' as possible before accusing them in the consumer court as it is a major step and can have serious consequences to both the accused and accuser.
moreover try and get more people facing same issue as u behind you, one person wont have that impact as much as more people you get

sheesh there was a time igate used to best the best isp in the mumbai to now being one of the worst

further adding, from what i learn from bhushan thakkar the chor running igate si that there are 100 ppl who are capped but we only know a few ourselves, the names are me, aditya, techmaster, ujk, and aces. this guy bhushan should be taken to courts and we should appeal the court to revoke his license instead of giving him a heavy fine so that he could made an example and that no isp think of cheating its suscribers...

secondly we all are suscribers of 256k unlimited plan and have been using this over a period of time maybe a year and above. bhushan is selling his service as unlimited and the bill nor the package has the words CONDITIONS APPLY.

can u guys suggest what can we do like what evidene we need to collect coz some colse associates fo mine tell me get the screen shoots of speeds with date, time and the ip and also do online bandwidth tests.

any help comming from u guys here is appreciated....
Bah.. consumer court shunsumer court.. It's not some neighbourhood fight where you collect a bunch of friends and go beat up some random twits. Consumer courts will cost MONEY. Plus I doubt you guys would have the free time/willpower to visit the courts in India.

I've heard a million people claiming of going to consumer courts and what not but in reality as soon as they meet their requirements they keep quiet and go on happily. Just last month I saw some idiot couple haggling at New delhi international about how they were getting delyaed and what not. They stopped cribbing as soon as the airlines offered them a 5star hotel room.

Newspapers make consumer courts look easy. I'm no hotshot lawyer or anywhere close to that but I would suggest you guys to try and reason with this Bhushan idiot or whatever.

Remember he's probably acting on someones orders too. If you somehow manage to get his licence cancelled (almost impossible) well then you'll just have succeeded in ruining a mans life and wasting your own resources.

Have you tried personally fixing a meeting up with this Bhushan dude? Try talking to him. In my opinion, a consumer courts grants an individual the power to issue threats and thats all. I know consumer courts run differently from criminal courts but there will be a massive waiting line. By the time your proposal gets a hearing Bhushan would probably be a grandfather.

Just my two cents of course : ). If the bastard does'nt mend his ways , I suggest taking some friends and beating his face up. :D
In Which Areas Is This Igate And Spectranet Available In Mumbai Anyways?
Cause, I Live In Kandivali(w) And The Only Isp I Heard Of Is In2cable And It Sucks Big Time.
hi guys,

there is still not improovements in speeds, and i guess its not worth going to the consumer courts coz no one has the time and money would not be an issue coz i know some judge on the pannel living in my friends building and she is more then willing to help.

besides, igate is offered in many areas, there in proper mumbai and a few suburbs. to be precise in south mumbai i guess they have connectivity in almost all areas, GUYS, PLEASE DONT EVER BUY THIS SERVICE....THE MOST SUB-STANDARD ONE IN THE WHOLE OF MUMBAI, I GUESS SIFY WOULD HAVE SOME STANDARD....BUT THIS GUYS THE WORST U CAN FIND.
vishalk said:
hi guys,

there is still not improovements in speeds, and i guess its not worth going to the consumer courts coz no one has the time and money would not be an issue coz i know some judge on the pannel living in my friends building and she is more then willing to help.

besides, igate is offered in many areas, there in proper mumbai and a few suburbs. to be precise in south mumbai i guess they have connectivity in almost all areas, GUYS, PLEASE DONT EVER BUY THIS SERVICE....THE MOST SUB-STANDARD ONE IN THE WHOLE OF MUMBAI, I GUESS SIFY WOULD HAVE SOME STANDARD....BUT THIS GUYS THE WORST U CAN FIND.

You can definately go to consumer courts... It does not take as much time as criminal courts for hearing & dispute resolving... You can ask for compenstation & fine along with iGate to bear your cost of litigation.. Consumer courts are fast & not that much full of shit we think they are,....

give it a try... these courts can help & you can assign a lawyer to look into the case for you. You need to appear at the hearing only to verify evidence... And it will certainly not take ages to resolve your case....