Beware of the Dog..

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A man once got up on a fine morning and as he was lookin outta the window.. he found a city zoo Gorilla perched on one of the trees in his garden.

Baffled .. he quickly called up for a Pvt service and within half an hour the man was at his place.

The man had the owner quite amused... as he was loaded wid all the gadgets.. he had a net wrapped around one of his arm, a smoke bomb, a few bananas and a gun. He also had a ferocious dog along wid him who wd scare the living daylights out of the most courageous.

The owner cudnt help and asked wot was the plan.

The service man said well u see i am a professional and this aint my frst task of this kind.

I will simply try to lure the Gorilla dwn by offering him a few bananas.. if that fails , i ll climb up the tree and shake the branches real hard so that he falls.. mite as well scare wid a smoke bomb as well .

My jimmy here .. is trained to attack the falling body and then rip his balls off...!!

The owner was dumbfounded... then he asked and wots the gun for ..?

The service guy replies.." Oh that.. Ab woh hai toh bandar ki aulad na .. if he tried to imitate me and starts shaking the braches as well and i fall instead.. i ll use the Gun to shoot the stupid Dog ..!! "
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