PC Peripherals Bezt HARD DISKS ?

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:ohyeah: Hey All :ohyeah:

Sorta fallin in love with these pollz......I hop I dont get banned or nething for too many pollz....

I was just wondering which is the best NON SATA HDD in the Indian Market today ?

Mods can add more options plz.......

Post away and Poll away 2 :cool2:

Cheerz :clap:​
Bro too much of polls

But still wudnt mind answering.

I have been using Samsung Non Sata HDD's since long time.
My 20GB Samsung died after 5 yrs & with that all my efforts also :(
Wish i had backed up my data earlier.

My Uncle had bad experience with Segate PATA.

So its samsung for me & also you get 3yrs warranty.

Now will prefer segate cude in sata for its 5yrs warranty ;)
Sorry abt the Pollz again BroZ....

Me using a Samsung.....Juz 1 . 5 years .......

Wat abt MAxtor ? Wat hppnd with Ur uncles Seagate ? Seagate Barracuda has a PATA too rite ?
Cheerz n Sorry
Seagate for me.
their 200 GB Cuda plus is really awesome.

Currently trying out WD Caviar,lets see how it performs.
Seagate here, Samsung's disk died on me once, but their service is too good, got a new one in 4 days.

Y do u need to service a HDD if it doesnt give u ne probs ?
Cud u clarify plz ?

And y r these disks dyin ? Wat was wrong with them matez ?

Samsung has a bad reputation over here in India with almost ne product....But their HHD seems to be well appreciated ? Y is tht ?

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