Graphic Cards Big Problem Wid Graphics Card


Hi im using a nvidia 8800gts 640mb
now im having a problem the card does not seem to be working properly
the display is completely messed up wen the computer is switched on im getting wierd symbols all over the screen then wen the windows strts the driver is not at all executed and all the colors and display is messed up ,i tried reinstalling drivers repeatedly but to no avail...


This is how it looks
k1ller said:
Hi im using a nvidia 8800gts 640mb
now im having a problem the card does not seem to be working properly
the display is completely messed up wen the computer is switched on im getting wierd symbols all over the screen then wen the windows strts the driver is not at all executed and all the colors and display is messed up ,i tried reinstalling drivers repeatedly but to no avail...

Check if card is seated properly in PCIe slot... check for lose connections
k1ller said:
Hi im using a nvidia 8800gts 640mb
now im having a problem the card does not seem to be working properly
the display is completely messed up wen the computer is switched on im getting wierd symbols all over the screen then wen the windows strts the driver is not at all executed and all the colors and display is messed up ,i tried reinstalling drivers repeatedly but to no avail...

First uninstall the driver with driver cleaner and then try downloading the latest driver from nvidia and then install the driver.

Also check out for these little things if the above fails.
1)Check for loose connections not just on CPU but also to the monitor.
2)Check weather your PSU is capable of powering up the Graphics card.
3)Upgrade your BIOS.
4)Check if your windows is updated to this date or not?
5)Check for dust over the PCIe slot.
Thank you

this the kind o0f display im getting ... k now i have put a old 6200 le card and this is showing perfect display so its not a problem of my monitor and i have tried refixing the card several times still have the same problem
My pcie slot is clean and my psu is cosair hx620 so not a problem of adequate power supply either...
i have never overclocked my card ever..
Thnks for the quick suggestion but please keep them comming .. and also if u ppl cud tell wer to find nvidia service centers in mumbai incase its a hard ware problem
ur card is gone kaput...

Last option is to mod ur graphix card firmware to lower memory & gpu speeds than default & then flash it.

for ati there is a tool called Rabit for this purpose.

same thing happened with my x850xt pe

hope this helps
It isn't an XFX card... Little under 2 yrs of usage....

I guess we should start looking at RMA guys?

EDIT:If i am not mistaken the card is out of production.. what replacement will he get for this??
YEs as said above its not XFX its a leadtek card Btw guys do u have ne idea wer nvidia service centers are in mumbai wer i cud get it replaced? And will i even get a replacement guys its in warranty but card is outa production if im not wrong
yah man instead of screwing it up forever...

better send it to the service center if warranty still remaining

u do have a spare card for time being right
Ok I Will Try To Explain In Detail:

1) Download appropriate firmware which matches ur card from here

techPowerUp! :: Video Bios Collection

2) Download NVIDIA BIOS Editor v5.0 (nibitor) ()

NVIDIA BIOS Editor v5.0 (nibitor) download from

3) Download GPUZ (Shows GPU Info & Is Also Able To Save The Default Bios)

GPU-Z 0.2.7 download from

4) Download NvFlash

Download nVFlash 5.72 - An NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility - Softpedia

Now The Process:

First boot in windows fire up gpuz save all the info about your card. & if possible try to save a copy of ur gpu's bios (firmware) with either gpuz or nvflash.

Now download the bios from above link See (1) which matches with ur card.

open the downloaded bios file in NVIDIA BIOS Editor v5.0 (nibitor) and lower the Core/Memory Clock below the default value of your card. and save the file.

make a dos bootable floppy with nVFlash & the modified bios file., restart ur pc in dos fire up nvflash,

Flash ur GPU.

If Every thing goes fine ur graphic card should be back to life. but a bit slower.

(plz Read the tutorials of using each software posted above. specially nvflash)

here are some tutes to get u started:

Tech ARP - Video BIOS Flashing Guide

techPowerUp! :: Guide to Video BIOS flashing
ankitmane said:
yah man instead of screwing it up forever...

better send it to the service center if warranty still remaining

u do have a spare card for time being right

yep if its in warranty then claim it eyes closed.

I did it because i had no choice. my ati x850xt pe memory running at 550 mhz now (default is 590 mhz) without any artifacts.

good luck
Speedz said:
It isn't an XFX card... Little under 2 yrs of usage....

I guess we should start looking at RMA guys?

EDIT:If i am not mistaken the card is out of production.. what replacement will he get for this??
I had an XFX 5700LE years and years ago and that died on me twice in the same manner.The second time,the XFX guys didnt have any 5700LE in stock so they gave me a 6200.:p
Before you jump onto conclusions, have you tried the card on a diff setup?

Have you tried the card on a clean install of windows? For a shortcut, use a linux live CD, and check if you can enable 3D on it?
Looks like the drivers aren't properly installed.
Uninstall and remove all traces of the current display driver.

Now download the latest drivers and try to install them manually.
You can do this by extracting the packed .exe using WinRAR then using the Device Manager or Add Hardware wizard to manually point it to the .inf's.

Someone less lazy than me please post a detailed guide because I really don't think the GPU is dead :).