Bihar topper cooks up her own definition of political science

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Lord Nemesis

Watch as Bihar intermediate exams Political Science topper cooks up her own definition of political science.

After re-exams were ordered for the toppers, she excused herself citing depression. Her father blames the exam board.

Science topper interviewed in the video has failed in re-exam.

Its weird that they reassessed the toppers, but what about the rest. Are they off the hook because they are not in the toppers list?
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The whole exam results should be scrapped, ask everyone to reappear for the exam under strict vigilance - asking only toppers to reappear doesn't make any sense. Was it a exam on who can copy the best in the stipulated time?

Probably the person who got this brilliant idea (re-examine the toppers) must have scored average marks or just passed with copying. He assumes that copying for passing marks is OK but toppers shouldn't be copying (sic) !
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Well, they were the ones who wanted and paid for this farce. There will always be facilitators to provide anything that has a market. The institute these two come from, Bishun Rai college is run by a politico who collects super high fees to guarantee those scores.
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