Bing using google search :p

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Official Google Blog: Microsoft’s Bing uses Google search results—and denies it

Here comes the defence

In short, google did a sting and post a article on their site, MS gave a nice funny story that No we are not using it,

What they doing is that when a user search something and clicks on a link (IE or bing toolbar send this information to their server and rank it accordingly), later in their search they show same results.

So its not chori its Herapheri ;)
I never use Bing... Only tried it once when it was launched but never since then.

Google all the way!!!

On the one hand, there shouldn't be anything illegal about capturing user behavior using the IE search toolbar, which is all they needed to "copy" the results.

On the other hand, the only reason they would be doing that would be to intentionally capture search behavior for search engines other than bing (as they track such data for bing anyway). The ethics of that are questionable at best :P
avi said:
Microsoft...Always good at copying. It's in their blood ;)
Yeah... But they are the ones making windows activation tougher with each new release so as to protect their own copyrights!!!

The title is very misleading. From it I thought this was about Bing using a background Google search and returning a result, but the results are from data gathered from users opting to send their search results of other search engines to Bing.

I think that if Bing search improves to a point where Google results becomes a subset of theirs this would give us a better search engine. But until someone does that I am still going to Google for everything I need (just like I used to Yahoo before Google came along).

I am an end user and I will take the best I can get.
>>The title is very misleading.

Ever noticed cheesy headlines on news channels. :)

Breaking News: Nothing happened anywhere for last 15 mins

( actually its not me, I just gave the link to the details, this headlines is chosen by several magazines for obvious reason, it catches attention), google it and you'll come to know.
Boot_Comp said:
but the results are from data gathered from users opting to send their search results of other search engines to Bing.

In Google's Matt Cutts' latest blog post about this topic, he says this "opting" is enabled when IE8 installation asks to allow "suggested sites" or not, making no mention about collecting data from Google and sending it to Microsoft.


There's also some 40 minute video with him debating this issue with MS guy - can't be bothered to watch it though.
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