CPU/Mobo Bios battery problems

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i was playing red faction guerilla and suddenly the game stopped and i had to restart my computer and the computer didnt switch on that is there was no display on the monitor

so i took the ram cleaned it put it back in removed the bios battery then i put it back in i reattached my sata cables and the computer booted fine

i played tf2 for hours together and nothing happened after a while i switched off my computer and when i rebboted it today the computer didnt boot there was no hard disk activity i took out the bios battery and put in again and it booted fine again before all this happened my computer time wouldnt get retained like it will show the wrong time.

so is this the problem with the bios battery ??

will this problem get solved when i replace the battery ???

this happens randomly that is the system not booting up

i did a chk disk and no bad sector or problem showed up

i also did a memroy check and all is fine

so these are my question

so is this the problem with the bios battery ??

will this problem get solved when i replace the battery ???

My congfig

E6600 2.4ghz


160+320 sata seagate

corsair xms2 2gigs

xfx 8800gt

asus p5kplcm mobo

thats it and one more thing when the computer boots up it is fine no problem whatsoever



why r u waiting? Just go to market and get new one battery ... good brands costs around Rs 50/- only :) and checkout if it solves problem
well i changed the battery the date and time are getting retained but yesterday when i was watching lost suddnely the system hung and i had to restart and when i restarted it there was no display after a couple of tries the computer started normally this seems to occur randomly you guys any idea on what might be the problem ???? Please help
ok iam attaching my temps can any of you guys analyze it for anomalies?

and one more thing i dont get any bsods whatsoever
try reattaching all the components one at a time..this happenend to me once,and i reset the gfx to make it work
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