Bitcoin drops

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ETH up 30% from $700 to over $1000 in just one day lol.

Looks like people who run the scam want to steal the portion of the recently disbursed $600 stimulus checks.
I got it in at $9k and got out at 13k. friend got it at 12k and got out at 16k. I didnt have much money then to invest so I couldnt hold. #sad
Back when bitcoin wasn't such a craze, I had bought some to buy something from
It was stored in some wallet app on my phone. I remember, after my purchase, there was a small amount like 0.1x bitcoin left. Unfortunately, I don't even remember which app it was. That amount which I threw away as 'chillar' is worth some serious dough now.
The first time I heard of bitcoin was on the bittech forum so i thought it was some digital currency by them for use on their site. :hilarious:
I had a friend who splurged all his savings in bitcoin just before its sudden decline. I warned him that he was being foolish and he said "tell me that after you've invested in business and trade." He has since quit all social media together and out of reach even now. The guy was almost begging the GoI to approve it since he put his savings into the investment lol. I feel bad but its pretty funny.
First rule of Fight club is you do not talk about fight club.
Same for Bitcoin. This is a throwaway account.

I can't be the only one here who has profited with bitcoin? By profited I mean bat shit insane $$
They say you make your own luck. I got into it in 2016. Was paid in bitcoin 300-500$ / coin. I went looking for bitcoin paying work. Got something, worked, and have held onto a nice portion through it all. Didn't sell when it went down from 20k to 3.5k and now I have so much its insane.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT an encouragement to buy bitcoin. Its risky, volatile and requires knowledge about keeping it securely. You can lose your keys, forgot your passwords, get hacked in the most creative ways.
Dont you guys talk about missed opportunities. I had a oron (file sharing site) account that went bust, so before it went bust i had with drawn over $1, 500 to $1,800 in affiliate fees. Now just before it went bust i had nearly $900 due to me but i could not withdraw the amount as paypal had withdrawn services or tieup with oron due to legal reasons.
That time i had the chance to withdraw that $900 in bitcoins and i did not cos i never bothered to learn about it. :(

It was around $15 or $20 then.

I was offered bit coins for selling some stuff on Erodov around 2011. The buyer was ready to pay in Cash or Bitcoin as per my preference. I being an idiot opted for money despite knowing what Bitcoins were. Would have gotten around 10 -12 bitcoins had I gone for it as the price of Bitcoins were equivalent to $1 at that time. Talk about lost opportunity :banghead:.

Really it's not much different than gambling... but so are stocks & shares.
I was offered bit coins for selling some stuff on Erodov around 2011. The buyer was ready to pay in Cash or Bitcoin as per my preference. I being an idiot opted for money despite knowing what Bitcoins were. Would have gotten around 10 -12 bitcoins had I gone for it as the price of Bitcoins were equivalent to $1 at that time. Talk about lost opportunity :banghead:.

Really it's not much different than gambling... but so are stocks & shares.
I was offered bit coins for selling some stuff on Erodov around 2011. The buyer was ready to pay in Cash or Bitcoin as per my preference. I being an idiot opted for money despite knowing what Bitcoins were. Would have gotten around 10 -12 bitcoins had I gone for it as the price of Bitcoins were equivalent to $1 at that time. Talk about lost opportunity :banghead:.

Really it's not much different than gambling... but so are stocks & shares.
With Hindsight, everything either becomes bitter or so so sweeter.
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Because of the silkroad saga (it was the time I really looked into it), I was always scared that it would be totally made illegal and I might get into unnecessary legal trouble because of that if I buy it... what a wimp I was

sigh!! hindsight is 20/20

anyway let us all take solace in the guy who bought a couple of pizzas for 10k Bitcoins
I used to own 15-20 BTC back in 2012 during the MTGox and Silk Road v1.0 days, heck I owned decent amount of ETH when it cost 14$ a piece, look at where the prices are at now.
It's a very risky gamble/scam manipulated by whales with the sole purpose of separating one from their money and any govt. can clamp down on it anytime to crash its value just like it happened during 2017.
What I find ironic is that people tout all these cryptos as the future of money and then proceed to value their holdings with fiat.
Usually when the average Joe starts talking about it, it's time to get out for the time being.

anyway let us all take solace in the guy who bought a couple of pizzas for 10k Bitcoins

Or that guy who wanted to dig up a landfill because he tossed a HDD with 7500 BTC on it.

Really it's not much different than gambling... but so are stocks & shares.

This. Once you dabble with cryptos, you realize that the same kind of manipulation happens in stock markets as well.
One could say that cryptos are stocks on steroids, or crystal meth rather.
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