BitTorrent Search Engine


Welcome to btbot, a popular and fast growing search engine for bittorrents, ringtones for cell phones, friends and extraterrestrial intelligence. We are a small and dynamic company which was funded in May 2004 and which started with a simple bittorrent file search. Since that time several new services (of course all services deal with searching) were added but the bittorrent search is still the most popular service.

We provide our users with simple and clean search interfaces and very fast responses. For example, a bittorrent search takes less than 0.2 seconds in average.


  • gbtbot2ja.gif
  • Once as btbot started this was the first service that we offered and which still is the most popular one. With btbot we have developed (and still developing) a full automatic web crawler that walks through the world wide web searching for bittorrent files and automatically updates our index. No human is required to keep btbot running.

  • This service followed btbot and allows users to search for ringtones for their cell phones. Currently our partners allow us to search in more than 20,000 ringtones which can be ordered in over 50 countries.
  • As the name lets suggest btfun is a playground for our creative employees to create projects all in good fun. Do you know "Guess the number"? This is one of those projects.
  • This is also one of our "fun" projects. Everybody is welcome to join our seti group at SETI@home and spend some cpu cycles to support the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.