BJP can do course correction.. Here it is..

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Unlike Congress, BJP knows how to nip such "spark" in the bud. They know that they cannot afford another Anna Hazare type campaign. So they use laws like NSA to lock up people like Umar Khalid without producing in court for months. I am not expecting any "spark" anytime soon. Worst case, they will just drop a bomb in a forest in Pakistan just before the elections and win again.
BJP is set, till it isnt. It only takes one spark. One more thing that will drive things over the edge. Its not far tbh. But it will come in a few yrs now not. Closer to the election as this situation will get much worse. Hold your horses, a lot worse times are coming soon now.

All it will take when we get close to the election is 1 terrorist attack or 1 hindu muslim riot. Both of those are controllable factors.

Watch them win in a land slide again when that happens.
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