Monitors Black Spots on Monitor - Dell U2412HM

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And I'm quite sure they're not dead pixels.

My system was offline due to mobo failure for more than a month. Now I just started it and noticed few black spots on display.

Picture and screenshot for comparison:



Any chance these will go away or do I have to do something?
Did they went away or you did an RMA?
My LG monitor also has some black spots. The big one at the center is really annoying .
It's a hunch but I think it might be the LED lights are getting dimmer in your monitor. This is the only reason i can think of for the black spots coming up in word places.

Edit: scratch that. Looks like partially dead pixels.
Then maybe the coating must have got spoilt. LED monitors don't have glass on them to get stains. The plastic on the front must be undergoing some type of reaction due to heat and other things.

My old monitor got some blobs of air on the screen and started disintegrating internally. After a few months it was smelling like liquid from capacitor fallen all over it. Threw it in dustbin. Maybe that's why LCD manufacturers say operating temps should be within 40°C. I wonder if the temps take into account the heating up of the monitor when it's switched on.
Yesterday morning on a whim i wrote am email to LG support stating my problem with a screenshot. I got a reply around 1:30 pm & a guy came to my home suddenly at 4 pm to check my monitor. I was surprised lol
Its not like i asked for an RMA. Btw my monitor is register on their site with all my details.
So the LG guy told me that the dark spots are due to dust & moisture & the only way to repair it is to replace the whole LCD front panel.
On Monday he will come with a new panel & replace it at my home itself.
If i knew doing RMA is this easy i would have contacted them way earlier.

@Mr.J Try contacting LG guys. Since its not in warranty ask how much it will cost. That LG guy told me it depends on model.
My benq E2200 had similar looking spots couple of years back.According to service centre It was just fungus and dust specs.They just cleaned it for free and was returned within couple of days.
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