Blackberry 8830 Help needed

Hi All,
I am new to Blackberry and don't know about services that was provided by providers.

I am planning to buy 8830 unlocked, currently i am using airtel normal postpaid connection.Do i need to take blackberry data services from airtel to configure OWA or exchange ?
How GPS navigation works in Blackberry ?, will it needed any subscription or charges extra? or will it works like nokia ovi ??

I am looking for <8k blackberry with Wfi, is there any other options available other than 8830 ?

Your help appreciated.

You have to activate Blackberry Internet Service(BIS) or Blackberry enterprise Serice (BES) to get Blackberry data Service on your Blackberry.

I dont think any other BB is less than 8K...

In case you can increase ur budget a little,you can go for BB 8520 with Wifi (only browser will wrk on Wifi no BB msngr or Enterprise service on Wifi)
jijojose79 said:
Thanks for your reply,

On the other way, gprs can't be used for browsing,im like nokia phones instead of data plans ?

What about GPS services?


yes,you can alternately use GPRS to browse web and use GPS...(No offline map wrk for BB afaik)