BlackBerry Curve 8520 or Nokia E71

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Hi guys,
As title suggests, am planning to get either BB curve 8520 or Nokia e71..
Am totallly confused..bcoz i like both the mobz..
I saw e72 but its out off ma budget..
Ma max budget is 15-16k..

Please rec me the best among these two

Manu Vikram:)
Are you willing to pay the extra for Blackberry Internet Service (which can cost uptil Rs.1000 per month depending on your circle) ?
It's quite simple really - if you want a phone for email, instant messaging & browsing, grab the Blackberry, it's a really good device. E71 if you just want the ability to send the odd email, but won't be doing it often.

In my personal opinion, the only BBs I'd get are the Curve 8900 and Bold2.
TechHead said:
^Browsing? The stock browser on the Blackberry is one of the worst I've ever used.

Does anyone ever use stock browsers on any PC or phone these days? :)
BOLT is the way forward.
if your pref is emails chat browsing go for blackberry its best and there is no match and plans are like 299 with unlimited mails and chat and 899 for full unlimited along with 3rd party apps. so choose which suits u the best,

on other hand if email and chat is not so imp. go for e71 but gprs plans are costly as mostly no operator offer unlimited anymore in most of the circles
^^ Ya ma main use will be browsing,emailing,sms()

is it uses friendly.

becoz till now i used only nokia phones and windows mobile...
manuvikram007 said:
^^ Ya ma main use will be browsing,emailing,sms()
is it uses friendly.
becoz till now i used only nokia phones and windows mobile...

A BB is easier to use than comparable Symbian and WinMo phones, thanks to the simple structure of loading all possible options into a simple menu structure which means you don't have to hunt through hundreds of sub-menus to change something related to messaging, for example.
With BB OS v5, things have only gotten better.
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