blackcats-games invite

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Hey Anish ... I don't have a torrentleach invite but i wanna have one for blackcats ... will be gr8 if u can do me this favour :)
I need invite for blackcats-games
send it for mdd114@hotmail or mdd114@gmail
i have invite for demonoid

plz help me

Blackcats announcement!!

Announcement: Removed Accounts
The site is completely closed for now, and all current accounts are stable. Do not ask anyone, anywhere on the site and it's areas about getting invites, or your peers' missing account. No deleted or disabled accounts will be re-instated.

Blackcats is locked tight for now, and there will be no new or repaired accounts indefinitely. When the site will open again is not to be disclosed until an appropriate time.

Any pestering of Staff or other members regarding these matters will result in disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to site warnings being issued, privileges removed, or accounts disabled.

Thank you all for your continuing support as Blackcats excels to be the world's pre-eminent video game site.

- Staff -
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