Storage Solutions blank dvds -- which ones to buy??

Party Monger said:
YOgi man where do u get dem from...

8.5 is a steal yar..i get some aqua brand here in nagpur for 12rs...

got it here in mumbai in bunch of 50 ..after some good bargaining..:)

and maxell are good media too if burned with 8x ..
eagle004 said:
Okay so which ones are the best --- sony or moser baer pro ??? It seems different people have different opinions here!!

Also are all sony blanks of the same quality ??? Also how to test the quality of dvds ?

none :eek:hyeah: Taiyo Yudens & Verbatims are the best Media u can get :eek:hyeah:
MB pro media I dont know how you guys are saying is good, pratically lost 10 precious DVD's because the bloody dye just dissolved and left the whole disk transparent !!!

Sony media are marginally better, DVD media in general is hopeless always back up imp data in CD-R
Chief-Techie said:
^^ not always,burning @ Rated speed of a Particular is advisable :)

Thats right! Glad you have brought this up. This is what is recommended currently.

However please note that your DVD burner's laser also weakens with time. Therefore though DVD media is capable of giving good burns at rated speed the DVD burner may not burn it strongly enough. What I recommend is that if you have slightly old DVD burner (1 year or more) then -
1) For casual DVDs (which you plan to view only within 1 year) - burn at max rated speed of DVD media (16X)
2) For DVDs for storage purpose (for next 2-3 years) - use expensive media and burn at half speed (8X)

After every 2 years, recopy your storage media into new DVDs. This is important. DVD media dye of expensive DVDs also may start decomposing after 2 years.
dj_faithless said:
national :) ....Rs10 each....never failed me @ 16x speeds also :p
I use National too.. I get it at 11 each. But the problem is that sometimes I get DVD-R and sometimes DVD+R !!! Dunno why they are making - and + types and giving the same name!!!
Anyways, with National DVD-R, I can write at 18x (Sony 18X Sata Writer) and 20x (Liteon LH-20AP Writer). :hap2:
But the National DVD+R doesn't go beyond 16x :(
Another problem with National is that some of the DVDs have defects in their dye layer... i.e. the writing surface of the DVD is discolored.