block antivrus access

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hello all,

i download apps from from internet.
but there are instances when "some" files get deleted by antivirus program.
so i wanna lock one HDD fully ( i have 1TB x 2 HDD) so that nothin' gets deleted & block antivirus access to files..
is there any apps/tricks that do the job...
Which AV are you using? You will have to play with your AV configuration settings to get around to that part where you can handle exceptions.

I have Avira Antivir PE. In that, under configurations in expert mode, you have an exception setting. The path to this is as follows:

configuration (choose expert mode) >>> scanner >>> scan >>> exceptions
In this section, you can choose either a file path or a file that you do not wish to scan. If it is a file path, any files that are saved in that particular folder are not scanned.

Hope this helps.
files may get deleted only if they have some real virus or malware/ trojan inside them. blocking the antivirus app from doing its job = making your pc into a zombie comp which will most probably become a source of virus contamination on the net.

most probably in a few days your comp will become unusuable since the virus app will hijack 90-95% resources.
^^ There are also other instances where you know most definitely that the file in question is not a virus or a trojan, but still it is identified as one and deleted. :P
The OP probably want to save such files. Still, your point is very important. It is risky to avoid certain files, or sections of HDD from the eyes of the AV scanner.
^^ i want protect some files which r not supposed to be viruses, but identified as virus..

i use Kaspersky 2010.

there is one more issue i'm facing....i download most of the files from rs,& mu....when i start the download queue every thing goes fine...downloads starts and continues... but after sometime the download is blocked... AFAIK it's kaspersky...'coz when i exit the kaspersky and reconnect the net the every thing goes fine....

is there any remedy for this ...i'm uncomfortable exiting AV scanner...
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