Blocked by department of telecom

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Im with ACT broadband Bangalore. Weird, it started working again... Guess the Great Indian Firewall is still under testing.
Opens for me. Guess that they are testing the firewall if "Reliance Pictures" brings back a [STRIKE]Jane[/STRIKE] John Doe court case, asking ISPs to block the sites.

Actually it can be either, with John Doe referring to an unidentified male and Jane Doe referring to an unidentified female.
stalker said:

Actually it can be either, with John Doe referring to an unidentified male and Jane Doe referring to an unidentified female.

Yes, but the original case filed in the court mentioned John Does.....
stalker said:
Actually it can be either, with John Doe referring to an unidentified male and Jane Doe referring to an unidentified female.
the order will be name only when the person in unidentified.
if the sex of the person is known so how does it categorize to unidentified.
A good VPN costs money. Plus my corporate VPN which is centralized in the US would be the best bypass. However, its against company policy to use it for personal use but lets see.

P.S:- And public proxy's are slow as hell. This brings back memories of my college years. Same shit different toilet.
This firewall is not implemented by the govt, but by the ISPs. The actual great Indian firewall has been scrapped.

BTW, VPNs do cost money but they are worth it. I used a demo VPN for what, like 5 minutes and I was impressed.

On to a different note, any reason for the avatar? :lol:
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