blocking a website using firefox & opera


The Weather Man !
hey guys,
i don't want to let some of my younger bros and sisters to access some websites.
is it possible to block a website using opera and firefox

For Firefox

Use This addon FoxFilter to Block Sites of your choice.

For Opera

Goto > Tools > Preference > Content > Blocked Content and add sites of your choice to block.
ahd said:
For Firefox
Use This addon FoxFilter to Block Sites of your choice.
For Opera
Goto > Tools > Preference > Content > Blocked Content and add sites of your choice to block.

chesss said:
U can use the hosts file to block some websites from all the browsers.
Alternaively you can use opendns to block Adult websites

babyboy said:
That's a simlpe question.try to use a porn filter software,It can block the site you don't want somebody to see

All of these are nice ways, learned a lot!! And this is also way to block sites on your computer