Blood Donation Required [Urgent] / Keenan / Reuben tribute thread

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Bluffmaster said:
Yes, in an ideal world this should be the case but we do not live in an ideal world, now do we?

I just want you to answer one simple question. Had you been present among the bystanders during that incident, would you have tried to interfere in the fight?

If I were a bystander during that incident, I would have probably thought of stopping the fight only and if only I knew for sure that the other bystanders would support me and intervene too. Without that surety it would have been utterly stupid on my part to have intervened and I too would have ended up as a victim of the assault.

Personally, if I were a bystander I would have helped, but the consequence would have been one more death. This is indeed the reality, out of 1000 only one or two will raise their voice and will end up being dead in a pool of blood; watching that 2000 more will go inside their shell. Neither cowardice, nor stupidity, simply the way 'survival of the fittest' works.
Bluffmaster said:
Yes, in an ideal world this should be the case but we do not live in an ideal world, now do we?

I just want you to answer one simple question. Had you been present among the bystanders during that incident, would you have tried to interfere in the fight?

Honestly, I can't imagine how I would have acted in such kind of situation. Myabe i would have intervened, calld for help or simply frooze:P I don't know because somethings are such things totally spontaneous & depends on circumstances;)

If I were a bystander during that incident, I would have probably thought of stopping the fight only and if only I knew for sure that the other bystanders would support me and intervene too. Without that surety it would have been utterly stupid on my part to have intervened and I too would have ended up as a victim of the assault.

What if others were thinking the same thing? Just think about it;)
Seriously they could have avoided the situation,

this is from my personal experience ... 4yrs back when i was 20, had a verbal exchange with a local goon in a traffic mishap.In just minutes 3-4 few people gathered there ,thought they were bystanders .I dint know they were his men. He punched me first, involuntarily i gave him two. Next you can understand. Now i'm having shoulder rotatory cuff tear. I would have avoided the situation.But time wasn't right :(

At that time ,My dad scolded me even though it wasn't my fault but now i feel he is right..
one of the crazier parts of the whole story is that the main killer (the guy who was slapped) could go so quickly gather 10-15 men, armed and ready to kill. keenan and group were still hanging out at the paan shop after the guy left to get his gang. so within a few minutes the goon was able to gather his "friends" and come back to the place.

also the cops afaik have let off most of the other members of the gang and only charged 1 or 2 people who actually attacked keenan and friends which is bulls**t. they should also round up and charge the others with commiting a serious crime (something like accessory to murder). even if they were only there watching their "friends" and giving "support". coz it was partially the size of the gang that would have scared the bystanders from helping. if it was 1 or 2 attackers the bystanders could've overpowered them but the fact that there were 15 of them would've dissuaded them
I learnt this a few years back: Never start a fight... but if you get involved, make sure that you end it.

Had the boys beaten the 1st person to pulp and taken him to the police station, he would not have had the guts to go back and come for more. They didn't do that and he ended the fight. :(

I personally always carry a pocket tactical knife with me for emergencies (especially since I travel a lot). I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Even the law exempts one when he exercises the right of defence in proportion to the offence. But then again, the weapon should be the last resort... and unless one can exercise that control, one is better off without it!
urssriks said:
if you dont respect women you are equal to nothing less than a PIG.

Why should we respect women? Aren't they equal to us? I feel when we make statements like this, we indirectly imply that men are superior to women. Either you respect all living beings or you don't, there should be nothing special for women. 'Respecting women' and 'chivalry' are seen by many as male chauvinism these days.
Bluffmaster said:
The male ego knows no bounds, they wouldn't have ever thought of what was going to take place.

I agree completely with your post except this line. Right from birth, we men are taught to be protectors by our family and society, and are ridiculed if we don't. I don't know where people got the idea that men like getting their limbs and guts ripped off! I feel calling what they exhibited as 'male ego' is a bit too much.
Its being said that why no one came to help up.

It reminds me of an incident.

A similar event like this happened which my friend told where one party was carrying swords and hitting 3 chaps.

Later it came to know those 3 chap sexually exploited sword carrying person family person.

Now take similar event ,do you think saving those chap would had been correct decision?

I dont want to get judgmental.But unless one doesnt know whats the story one avoids to enter.

1 more story , where a person saved another person lying in blood on road and admitted him to hospital.Before any police report could file the person passed away and the police reported a case against the person who admitted the person.

Point is the rules are not strong enough for emergencies in most case unless you know some source to get out of mess.

Else i have mostly seen police only interving only with mindset to make sme buks even for any damn reason.

My principal is simple ,if i really dont know the complete story i wont pay attention.

WOrld follow a simple principal.Survival of the fittest .But if my heart says even a ounce that situation demand helps.I never give a 2nd thought whether to help or not.I go ahead.SO no moving back occurs.But just a bit of doubt comes i exit.
I am really sorry to bring this thread up again and bring back all the bad memories

But just now i saw the case on crime patrol and my eyes are full of tears currently

I am totally blank currently

Dont know what to do

RIP ruben and kaenan

May God give the strength to your families and relatives
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